Data item |
Servier - Drawing Heart anterior view - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution |
318 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars intrasegmentalis vena anterioris lobi superioris pulmonis dextri |
admin |
318 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Atrial anastomotic branch of circumflex coronary artery |
admin |
318 |
0 |
Interactive content |
General histology Q#08 |
leo.koehler |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike |
318 |
3 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nervus coccygeus |
admin |
318 |
0 |
Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.4.18 - Skeletal Smooth Cardiac - English labels |
Jorn IJkhout |
Creative Commons Attribution |
318 |
3 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.175 - longitudinal section of thoracic vertebrae - English Labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
318 |
1 |
Data item |
3D Anatomy Lyon: The compartments of the arm - video of 3D model |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs |
318 |
5 |
Data item |
Blausen 0170 - Carotid arteries - English labels |
Student10 |
Creative Commons Attribution |
318 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.622 - Developing brain of an embryo in the third month - coloured, no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike |
318 |
2 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.664 - Transverse section of the lower portion of the medulla oblongata - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
318 |
1 |
Data item |
Servier - Drawing Valve of vein - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution |
318 |
1 |
Data item |
Schematic drawing of fascial condensations/ligaments of endopelvic fascia – no labels |
Siem Zethof |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
317 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami parietooccipitales (Arteria pericallosa) |
admin |
317 |
1 |
Data item |
Antwerpen - afd. ASTARC - 3D model Os cuneiforme laterale - Latin, Dutch labels |
marjanmaldoy |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
317 |
1 |
Interactive content |
Lobes of lungs and pneumonia 1 NL |
opgobee |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
317 |
0 |
Data item |
Neuroanatomy Syllabus 11: The Cerebellum. English text. |
M_Orsatti |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
317 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Venae circumflexae femoris mediales |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Stria vascularis ductus cochlearis |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.346 - Upper and lower jaw with deciduous and permanent teeth - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
317 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Articulationes costovertebrales |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.764 - Lachrymal sac and ducts, anterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
317 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ossa metacarpalia [I-V] |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vena posterior septi pellucidi |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Data item |
Slagter - Drawing Embryonic differentiation female and male genitals - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
317 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Venae metatarsales plantares |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.662 - Transverse section of the medulla oblongata - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
317 |
1 |
Data item |
skin hand human |
aherrler |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
317 |
3 |
Data item |
Covantev et al - Dissection Photo Vascular supply of spleen and pancreas - number labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution |
317 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars intersegmentalis vena superioris lobi inferioris pulmonis sinistri |
admin |
317 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami proximales laterales striati (Arteriae centrales anterolaterales) |
admin |
316 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.342 - Deciduous and permanent teeth - no labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
316 |
1 |
Data item |
OLI - Drawing Organs of the lympathic system - number labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
316 |
1 |
Data item |
Blausen 0389 - Anatomy of the eye - English labels |
Student10 |
Creative Commons Attribution |
316 |
3 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.365 - Muscles of the palate and pharynx, posterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
316 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vagina synovialis |
admin |
316 |
2 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.418 - Skeleton of the nose, lateral view - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
316 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars intrasegmentalis vena apicoposterioris lobi superioris pulmonis sinistri |
admin |
316 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nervus spinalis |
admin |
316 |
3 |
Anatomical Structure |
Planuma paramediana |
admin |
316 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.656 - Inferior aspect of cerebellum - coloured, no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike |
316 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Plexus nervosus intermesentericus |
admin |
316 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus cutaneus lateralis ramus dorsalis arteria intercostalis posterioris |
admin |
316 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars proximalis urethrae prosticae |
admin |
316 |
0 |
Data item |
Leiden - Drawing Varying numbers of original peritoneal layers per location - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
316 |
3 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.488 - Scrotum with the two testes, transverse section - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
315 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami cardiaci thoracici ganglionum thoracicorum |
admin |
315 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Musculi intercostales externi |
admin |
315 |
0 |
Data item |
Antwerpen - afd. ASTARC - 3D model Os metatarsale I - Latin, Dutch labels |
marjanmaldoy |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
315 |
1 |
Interactive content |
Sulci of the heart 2 NL |
opgobee |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
315 |
2 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Muscle borders of the femoral triangle - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
315 |
1 |
Data item |
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Eye sagittal section - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives |
315 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.484 - Testis and epididymis, anterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
315 |
2 |
Data item |
Leiden MOOC - Reader Anatomy on the Table - The Small Intestine |
opgobee |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
315 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami nasales posteriores inferiores nervus palatinus major |
admin |
314 |
2 |
Interactive content |
Heart on chest x-ray 5 NL |
opgobee |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
314 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Radix sympathica gangliorum pelvicorum |
admin |
314 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nervi caroticotympanici |
admin |
314 |
0 |
Data item |
spinal ganglion human |
aherrler |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
314 |
3 |
Anatomical Structure |
Recessus pleurales |
admin |
314 |
0 |
Data item |
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Duodeum and pylorus - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives |
314 |
2 |
Data item |
Blausen 0428 - Gallbladder, liver, pancreas - English labels |
Student10 |
Creative Commons Attribution |
314 |
1 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Ligamenta flava (yellow ligaments) - Latin labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial |
314 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.80 - maxilla and palate bone, medial view - English Labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
314 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.422 - Median wall of the nasal cavity - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike |
314 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis urethrae spongiosa |
admin |
314 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nodi lymphoidei axillarum posteriores |
admin |
314 |
0 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Hepatic segments - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
314 |
1 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Paracaecal appendix position - English labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
314 |
2 |
Data item |
Lynch - Drawing Anatomy heart cross-sectioned in short axis echocardiography view - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution |
314 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vena medialis ventriculi lateralis |
admin |
314 |
2 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Vomer: anterior view - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial |
314 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.72 - ethmoid with conchae sphenoidales, superior/posterior view - English Labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
314 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami orbitales nervus maxillaris |
admin |
313 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.219 - opened knee joint, anterior view - English Labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
313 |
1 |
Data item |
Blausen 0329 - Anatomy of the internal ear - English labels |
Student10 |
Creative Commons Attribution |
313 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus cutaneus posterior ramus posterioris nervus lumbalis |
admin |
313 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.505 - Uterus, transverse section - English labels |
Student128 |
Public Domain |
313 |
1 |
Data item |
Groningen-Leiden - 3D model Transposition, Short Axis Aortic Valve Plane View - numbered English labels |
opgobee |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
313 |
1 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Anatomy of the menisci and displaced buckle handle - English labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
313 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus lingularis superior (arteria pulmonalis sinistra) |
admin |
313 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nodi lymphoidei pancreatici superiores |
admin |
313 |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.559 - Nerves and vessels of the forearm, posterior surface - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike |
313 |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1905: opened stomach and duodenum |
admin |
Public Domain |
313 |
1 |
Data item |
vagina, human |
aherrler |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
313 |
3 |
Interactive content |
H5P Interactive video Which structure is followed here WIDE |
lumctest |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
313 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami gastrici (Arteria gastroomentalis dextra) |
admin |
312 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vena medullaris posteromediana |
admin |
312 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami palpebrales inferiores n.infraorbitalis |
admin |
312 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Crista corporis costae |
admin |
312 |
2 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nervus gluteus superior |
admin |
312 |
0 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Vomer: lateral view - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial |
312 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ilium |
admin |
312 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nodi lymphoidei iliaci externi intermedii |
admin |
312 |
0 |
Interactive content |
Embryonic structure heart and blood vessels |
lumcanatomy |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
312 |
0 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Layers of the scalp and meninges - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
312 |
1 |
Interactive content |
mediastinum,diaphragm, and the thoracic wall |
T.K.M.Constansia |
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike |
312 |
2 |
Data item |
Dundee - Drawing Metaplasia of the oesophagus: Barrett's oesophagus - English labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs |
312 |
2 |
Data item |
aorta human 20x |
aherrler |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
312 |
1 |
Data item |
Slagter - Drawing Ovarium with folliculogenesis and ovulation - no labels |
rva |
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike |
311 |
1 |