Q1 2022
- NAV congres Lunteren op 2 April 2022 12:15-13:30: Lunch workshop 'AnatomyTOOL Quizzen als voorbereidings en oefenmateriaal voor studenten: kant en klaar of tailor-made'.
- Items can now hold multiple formats - e.g. pdf and powerpoint, or jpg and image source file can be offered together
- Now over 3000 images available
Q4 2021
- Dutch National Open Educational Resources Repository SURF Edusources now contains links/references to all items on AnatomyTOOL.
- Enabling/improving filtering of found items by anatomical region, by tagging anatomical structures with region. So far done of 7361 anatomical structures: 1000 (24 oct 2021), 2000 (6 nov 2021). (Tagging of nervous system structures: credit: dr. Andreas Herrler, MUMC+)
Q3 2021
- Project ‘Open anatomie leermaterialen’ (alias TOOL2) completed. Main results: AnatomyTOOL now contains:
- 2900 images (varying CC licences or public domain)
- 1100 quiz questions in 175 quizzes (100NL, 75 Eng) (Most licensed as CC BY NC SA)
- 200 3D models (varying CC licences)
- 125 video-tutorials (35 video-tutorials; 92 video-tutorials with 3D-models: (licences: BY NC SA, BY NC ND, BY SA)
- 160 virtual microscopy slides (CC BY NC SA)
- 50 texts and readers (varying CC licences)
- 100 references to external sites and e-learning, internal selections at Collections, and references distributed over sections: documents, video's, 3D-models.
- Surveys about usage of AnatomyTOOL and open materials done and results published:
- Results survey under anatomists (Dutch)
- Results survey under students (Dutch)
Q2 2021
- Now 2250 images, 1100 quiz questions (600 Eng, 500 NL, sign in as teacher to view) in 175 quizzes (100 NL, 75 Eng), 250 tutorials (amongst video's, 3D model video's, web pages), 200 3D models, 160 virtual microscopy slides
- Quizzes used over 25000 times, usage at LUMC and UM
- Teachers can now determine visibility of their quizzes for users (publish/unpublish)
Q1 2021
- now 120 Sobotta images unlabeled and refreshed
- NAV (Dutch Association of Anatomists) decided on forming a working group for AnatomyTOOL
- AnatomyTOOL was used at LIMSC (Leiden International Medical Student Conference)
Q4 2020
- 28 dissection video's of neck, brachial plexus, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis minor by UGent
- 3 dissection video's of abdomen and pelvis by LUMC
feedback-session regarding quizzes with students and teachers of Univ. of Amsterdam (VUMC), Gent, Leiden, Maastricht learnt that both 'learn-quizzes about a clearly described narrow subject with 5-10 questions' and 'test-quizzes about a broad subject with 10-25+ questions' have their place. The quizzes will be gradually into these formats.
Q3 2020
- Dissection video of thorax and a version with embedded questions (in 'Quizzes') by LUMC
- 3 new quizzes for biomedical students on histology by UM
- 5 new quizzes for medical students on autonomic nervous system, thorax and heart by LUMC
- 3 new quizzes for scrub nurses on heart and lungs by LUMC
- 10 new drawings by Ron Slagter
- New collection page on Histology
- Related items shown more clearly
- Teachers can now view users of their institution to look up their quiz results (tab 'Do')
Q2 2020
- 7 new quizzes on anatomy of pain and involved nervous structures
- 16 new quizzes on stomach, intestines, liver and biliary tract, kidneys, cross-sectional anatomy by LUMC
- Series of high quality cross-section photo's by LUMC
- Presentation with dissected pelvis plastination specimens by LUMC
- New Collection Pages on the inguinal region, Useful sites (with open anatomy learning materials)
- New Info page: how can AnatomyTOOL help you in distance learning
Q1 2020
- New Collection Pages on the heart, and pelvis and perineum
- 250 new images or image references
- 7489 reads