Surface view and chambers of the heart
A 3D model of the normal heart, created at the University of Dundee.
3D model of the normal heart and lungs with numbered English labels. From a collaboration of Universities of Leiden, Delft and Groningen.
A 3D photogrammetry of a plastinated opened normal heart by University of Maastricht.
A video of the cadaver heart that is beating in a laboratory set-up by the University of Minnesota. Many more beating cadaver heart videos on Univ. of Minnesota Atlas of Human Cardiac Anatomy.
A photo of the anterior view of a plastinated normal heart, where highlights on structures can be switched on and off, by Univ. of Br. Columbia.
A photo of the posterior view of a plastinated normal heart, where highlights on structures can be switched on and off, by Univ. of Br. Columbia.
Drawings of the surface anatomy of the normal heart, anterior and posterior, with English labels. From the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book.
A drawing of the anatomy of the opened normal heart, with English labels. From the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book.
A video of the aortic valve in a cadaver heart that is beating in a laboratory set-up by the University of Minnesota. Many more videos of beating aortic valves are on the Atlas page on the aortic valve as seen from the left ventricle and on the Atlas page on the aortic valve seen from the aorta.
A video of the pulmonary valve in a cadaver heart that is beating in a laboratory set-up by the University of Minnesota. Many more videos of beating pulmonary valves are on the Atlas page on the pulmonary valve.
A video of the mitral valve in a cadaver heart that is beating in a laboratory set-up by the University of Minnesota. Many more videos of beating mitral valvesare on the Atlas page on the mitral valve as seen in the left ventricle and on the Atlas page on the mitral valve as seen in the left atrium.
A video of the tricuspid valve in a cadaver heart that is beating in a laboratory set-up by the University of Minnesota. Many more videos of beating tricuspid valves are on the Atlas page on the tricuspid valve seen from the right ventricle and on the Atlas page of the tricuspid valve seen from the right atrium.
A video of the combined view of the aortic and mitral valves in a cadaver heart that is beating in a laboratory set-up by the University of Minnesota. Several other videos of the combined views of beating aortic and mitral valves are on the Atlas page on the aortic valve as seen from the ventricle, see hearts: 416, 369, 235, (222), 136, 126-mitral and 53-1.
A drawing of the 4 Valves view, during diastole. A similar drawing during systole. From the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book.
Coronaries and Cardiac Veins
A 3D model of the coronary arteries of the heart by the University of Dundee.
A 3D model of the cardiac veins by the University of Dundee.
A 3D model of the heart and the coronary arteries indicating with transparent colour the areas of the heart supplied per coronary artery. By the University of Groningen.
A 3D model of the heart showing the coronary arteries in a right dominant heart. By the University of Groningen. Similar models of a left dominant heart and of a heart with codominance.
Schematic drawings of the Coronary Blood Vessels, from anterior and posterior, with English labels. From the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book.
Classic Drawings Coronary Blood Vessels from the Sobotta atlas.
A detailed booklet showing how the coronary arteries are displayed on coronary angiograms in different view angles. By the University of Maastricht.
Conduction System
A 3D model of the Cardiac Conduction System. From a collaboration of Universities of Leiden, Delft and Groningen.
A schematic drawing of the Conduction System of Heart. From the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book.
Congenital heart diseases
A collection of 3D models of most congenital heart diseases. From a collaboration of Universities of Leiden, Delft and Groningen.
A schematic drawing showing: patent foramen ovale, patent ductus arteriosius, coarctation of aorta and tetralogy of Fallot. From the OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology book.
Three short quizzes regarding heart anatomy of each 10 questions, aimed at medical students. In Dutch.
Quiz 1, quiz no. 2 and quiz no. 3. Created by University Leiden.
National Institute of Health 3D print exchange website with downloadable and printable 3D Heart models, with a special interest on congenital heart diseases.

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"Heart - Collection Page" by Diverse authors and O. Paul Gobée, LUMC, license: CC BY-NC-SA