Groningen - 3D model Blood Supply to the Ventricles by the Coronary Arteries -numbered English labels

nid: 58318
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Blood Supply to the Ventricles by the Coronary Arteries. The heart receives its own blood supply form blood from the coronary arteries. The aorta branches off in to two main coronary arteries. These coronary arteries branch off into smaller arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to the entire heart muscle. This model focuses on the blood supply to the ventricles; the areas supplied by specific arteries have similar colours to corresponding arteries. Note the blood supply of the interventricular septum in particular.
Anatomical structures in item:
Ramus interventricularis anterior (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Arteria coronaria dextra
Ramus circumflexus (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Ramus interventricularis posterior arteria coronariae dextrae
Ramus posterolateralis dexter ateria coronariae dextrae
Arteriae coronariae
Arteria coronaria
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Anna Sieben
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  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Groningen - 3D model Blood Supply to the Ventricles by the Coronary Arteries -numbered English labels" at by Anna Sieben, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. From E-learning UMCG
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13121 reads
Groningen - 3D model Blood Supply to the Ventricles by the Coronary Arteries -numbered English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Anna Sieben
  • Status: to be reviewed

Blood Supply to the Ventricles by the Coronary Arteries. The heart receives its own blood supply form blood from the coronary arteries. The aorta branches off in to two main coronary arteries. These coronary arteries branch off into smaller arteries, which supply oxygen-rich blood to the entire heart muscle. This model focuses on the blood supply to the ventricles; the areas supplied by specific arteries have similar colours to corresponding arteries. Note the blood supply of the interventricular septum in particular.
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Item id ('nid'): 58318
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Anatomical structures in item
Ramus interventricularis anterior (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Arteria coronaria dextra
Ramus circumflexus (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Ramus interventricularis posterior arteria coronariae dextrae
Ramus posterolateralis dexter ateria coronariae dextrae
Arteriae coronariae
Arteria coronaria