How can AnatomyTOOL help you to create distance learning in anatomy

How can AnatomyTOOL help you to create distance learning in anatomy?

AnatomyTOOL is a platform for open licensed anatomy teaching and learning materials, created by Dutch and Flemish departments of Anatomy. Read more.

If you create distance learning materials, you will need pictures, 3D models, etc. to base your work on. If you offer your learning material online you cannot use copyrighted imagery from books and publishers, or only at significant costs. Uploading copyrighted materials in your institutional learning environment also meets increasing charges. But how to get useful anatomy assets?

Instead of creating everything yourself, you might also want to refer to existing teaching materials. But how to find good materials?

In both cases, AnatomyTOOL can help you. AnatomyTOOL has collected anatomy (references to) imagery and teaching materials from sources world-wide that are free to use, selected by lecturers in anatomy. Read on.

If you want to create your own tutorials, presentations, etc. and need anatomy imagery that you are allowed to use freely:

  1. search AnatomyTOOL by anatomical structure, or
  2. check the collections of recommended materials per subject, or
  3. check recommended external sites (carefully selected for free use and quality).
  4. browse images (presently: 1800 images), 3D models (presently 300 models or videos of 3D models), or videos. Remember screenshots of 3D models also make nice pictures!
    Ooops... it's not yet perfect.


If you look for ready-to-use tutorials to refer you students to:

  1. check recommended external sites. Several have tutorials, online lectures, etc.
  2. search AnatomyTOOL by anatomical structure, and look for 3D models (includes tutorials explaining with 3D models), videos, or documents (includes web sites and interactive pages).


If you want to create your own exercise quizzes:

  1. search for existing questions on AnatomyTOOL (read how - follows [basically: log in > questions > type a structure > find questions]) to include 'as is' in your quizzes , or
  2. search for existing questions on AnatomyTOOL, clone them and modify them to your wish (Read how - manuals) or
  3. make your own questions on AnatomyTOOL (Read how - manuals).
  4. create quizzes with the existing, modified or new questions (Read how - manuals).


If you look for ready-to-use exercises to refer you students to:

  1. check quizzes on AnatomyTOOL.
  2. check recommended external sites, it is stated which have exercise material



Why would I want to make questions on AnatomyTOOL instead of in my institute's digital learning environment?

  • AnatomyTOOL uses the renowned H5P format. H5P offers very varied interaction possibilities and it is optimized for mobile use.
  • You can download H5P questions (including the interaction) and save them on your own computer, and exchange them between platforms (more and more platforms support it). No redoing everything at the next time your institutional leraning environment changes.
  • No log in barriers for your students
  • Your questions can be used by others, just as you can use other people's questions. Why would everyone reinvent the wheel?
  • Use questions and quizzes on AnatomyTOOL for self-exercise formative testing. You should probably NOT want to use it for summative testing (the answers can be extracted if you're tech-savvy)


What am I allowed to do with the material?
Each item states the license under which you can use it. There are the following possibilities:

  • item is in Public domain (because the copyright period has elapsed, or because the item has a CC0 tag): You are free to use the item as you wish, you even do not need to give attribution (however, it is good practice to do so).
  • item has a Creative Commons license. You are free to use the item but you must follow the requirements of the license. Click the license link at the item for details. A very clear starter explanation (Dutch) is here. All items on AnatomyTOOL have a ready to copy and paste text at the bottom of their 'use' page. For instance, see the bottom of this page.
  • item has no open license, but states you are allowed to use it for educational purposes.  Well, that's what you are allowed to do.
  • item states 'copyright', or 'all rights reserved' or it states nothing at all: you are not allowed to copy and paste the item in your work and distribute it. But: if the item is legally online, you are free to link to it.

Read more: checklist Handout 'Zoeken en inzetten van open of auteursrechtelijk beschermd materiaal in online onderwijs'


How do I best record my screen? - Screencast software


If AnatomyTOOL is useful for you, consider offering any anatomy teaching material (pictures, images, videos, 3D models, tutorials) you own, under an open license on AnatomyTOOL, so other people can benefit too!

Oops... AnatomyTOOL is work in progress. There are still some known bugs and shortcomings. Most notably:

  • region filter only partially working
  • systems filter selects to broadly (eg cardiovascular system finds all items with a blood vessel in it)
  • search by a search term and then filter the results: apparently gives no results. (refresh page to see the results)
  • browsing by tab 'Discover' > region/ system gives unintuitive results

Please bear with us while we're working on those.

nid: 59718
Additional formats:
None available
A page that gives suggestions how AnatomyTOOL can help you when you create distance learning in anatomy, by finding anatomy teaching and learning assets that you can freely use.
Anatomical structures in item:
None (Anatomical structure not applicable)
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
Requirements for usage
You are free to use this item if you follow the requirements of the license: View license

If you use this item you should credit it as follows:

5327 reads
How can AnatomyTOOL help you to create distance learning in anatomy
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
How can AnatomyTOOL help you to create distance learning in anatomy? ...
  • Status: to be reviewed
A page that gives suggestions how AnatomyTOOL can help you when you create distance learning in anatomy, by finding anatomy teaching and learning assets that you can freely use.
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Anatomical structures in item
None (Anatomical structure not applicable)