Bony pelvis and ligaments
Video explaining the parts and characteristics of the bony pelvis.
Video explaining in a schematic 3D model the lesser and greater pelvis and pelvic inlet and outlet.
All axis rotatable photogrammetry 3D model bony pelvis, unlabeled.
All axis rotatable modeled 3D model pelvis and ligaments, labeled.
Image of 3D model of the pelvis with the ilium, ischium and pubis differently coloured.
Drawing of the bony pelvis with its parts and characteristics labeled.
Drawing of the pelvis indicating the main ligaments of the pelvis.
Organs in the pelvis
Drawing of a sagittal section of the female pelvis, showing the positions of the bladder, uterus, vagina and rectum.
Drawing of a sagittal section of the male pelvis, showing the positions of the bladder, prostate and rectum.
Drawing of superior view of female pelvis showing the uterus and its adnexa and the bladder and the rectum.
Muscles of the pelvis, pelvic floor
A very clear tutorial video that shows the muscles of the inner walls of the pelvic cavity, including the levator ani muscle, in a 3D model. The muscles are added step by step and showed from various angles.
A schematized 3D model of the pelvic diaphragm muscles (levator ani + coccygeus) and the obturator internus. It also shows the deep part of the perineum including the ischioanal fossae.
A rotating video of a reconstructed 3D model with the main structures of the pelvis is built up, step by step. Unlabeled.
A rotating video of a reconstructed 3D model with the main structures of the pelvis is built up, step by step. Labeled.
A rotating video of a reconstructed 3D model showing the main structures of the pelvis. Unlabeled.
Fasciae of the pelvis
Peritoneum and the broad ligament
Sagittal section female pelvis with peritoneum. The location of the peritoneum is indicated with a dashed blue line.
Drawing showing the broad ligament, mesosalpinx, mesovarium and the recto-uterine pouch (Douglas' pouch).
Vascularisation and innervation of the pelvis
Tutorial video with 3D model showing one by one the arteries of the pelvis, mainly the branches of the internal iliac artery.
A series of photographs of pelvis plastination specimens that were dissected in detail, with an emphasis on pelvic nerves and blood vessels.
Drawing of a superior view of the female pelvis showing (left) the adnexa, and (right) the hypogastric plexus and the internal iliac artery branches. No labels.
Drawing showing the hypogastric plexuses, the sacral plexus, pelvic splanchnic nerves and the pudendal nerve.
In a schematic 3D model the location and shape of the perineum and its constituting parts is explained.
In a schematic 3D model the location and shape of the ischioanal fossa is shown.
A schematized 3D model of the female pelvis and perineum. It shows the uterus, tubes and bladder in the female pelvis, the pelvic floor muscles, the ischio-anal fossa and the structures in the perineum.
In a 3D model, the female perineum and its contained structures, are built up step by step.
Detailed 3D pelvic reconstructions
Detailed 3D-reconstruction of the female pelvis, created by the University of Maastricht. This article describes backgrounds.
Detailed 3D-reconstruction of the male pelvis, created by the University of Maastricht. This article describes backgrounds.
A 3D reconstruction of the pelvis and its organs. Bones, organs and muscles can be switched on and off and 2D slices through the 3D model can be visualized.
Clinical anatomy of the pelvis
The muscles and sphincters involved in urinary and fecal continence, and whether they are voluntarily or involuntarily, are explained.
The innervation of bladder control and micturition are explained in an interactive e-learning tutorial. Also, bladder function problems after spinal cord injury are discussed.

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"Pelvis and perineum - collection page" by Diverse authors and Paul Gobée, LUMC, license: CC BY-NC-SA