nid: 59906
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Lateral view of the brain. The dominant portion of the human brain is the cerebrum. It is the large upper part of the brain, distinguished by the gyri (folds) and sulci (folds) of the surface. The cerebrum is clearly split into left and right hemispheres; the split is the deep longitudinal fissure. The cerebrum sits atop and around the midbrain, which leads into the brainstem. Situated essentially behind the midbrain and under the cerebrum is the distinctive cerebellum. English labels
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Gyri cerebri
Sulcus centralis cerebri
Lobus temporalis
Truncus encephali
Medulla spinalis
Creator(s)/credit: Cenveo
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"Cenveo - Drawing Lateral view of the brain - English labels" at by Cenveo, license: Creative Commons Attribution
"Cenveo - Drawing Lateral view of the brain - English labels" by Cenveo, license: CC BY