Leiden - Web Page Characteristics of the colon

By O.P. Gobée dept. of Anatomy and Embryology, Leiden University Medical Center, Last updated 2 March 2023


The colon has some specific characteristics:
  • taeniae
  • haustra
  • omental appendices
  • semilunar folds
They are discussed on this page.



Haustra and taeniae

Fig. Colon with some typical characteristics
The taeniae (singular: taenia) are longitudinal muscle bands that run along the length of the colon. They are localized thickenings of the longitudinal muscle layer.
The taeniae contract the colon over its length, (at least partially) causing the colon to get its characteristic 'baggy' appearance with haustra (parts of colon bulging outward, singular: haustrum) and clefts in between. These clefts can be seen from the inside of the colon as the semilunar folds: folds that encircle only part of the colon's circumference.

There are three taeniae running parallel to each other along the colon, roughly equally distributed along the colon's circumference. They are shown below.
The taenia start at the base of the appendix and run till the rectosigmoid junction, where they widen and merge to form a longitudinal muscle layer that completely surrounds the rectum.



Taeniae of the colon

The mesocolic taenia runs near the attachment of the mesentery.
The free tenia (L: taenia libera) runs at the opposite side of the attachment of the mesentery, (the 'anti-mesenteric' side). It is at the ventral side of the ascending and descending colon. On the transverse colon, it is on the postero-inferior side (see drawing below).
The omental taenia runs at the posterolateral side of the ascending and descending colon . On the transverse colon, it is on the antero-superior side (see drawing below).
The taeniae start at the base of the appendix.
The position of the taeniae.
The taenia libera is on the ventral side of the ascending and descending colon. Due to the hanging down of the transverse colon, it is on the postero-inferior side there.
The taenia omentalis is on the posterolateral side of the ascending and descending colon. Due to the hanging down of the transverse colon, it is on the antero-superior side there.

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The characteristics of the colon are discussed and shown.
2 March 2023: added drawing of positions of taeniae.
2 March 2023: changed name of this page from 'Characteristics of the large intestine' to 'Leiden - Web Page Characteristics of the colon'.
Anatomical structures in item:
Haustra coli
Taenia mesocolica
Taenia libera
Taenia omentalis
Appendices adiposae coli
Taeniae coli
Taenia libera
Stria longitudinalis medialis
Taenia omentalis
Intestinum crassum
Colon transversum
Colon ascendens
Colon descendens
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
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  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Leiden - Web Page Characteristics of the colon" at AnatomyTOOL.org by O. Paul Gobée, LUMC, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
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29851 reads
Leiden - Web Page Characteristics of the colon
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed
The characteristics of the colon are discussed and shown.
2 March 2023: added drawing of positions of taeniae.
2 March 2023: changed name of this page from 'Characteristics of the large intestine' to 'Leiden - Web Page Characteristics of the colon'.
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Anatomical structures in item
Haustra coli
Taenia mesocolica
Taenia libera
Taenia omentalis
Appendices adiposae coli
Taeniae coli
Taenia libera
Stria longitudinalis medialis
Taenia omentalis
Intestinum crassum
Colon transversum
Colon ascendens
Colon descendens