Simple page |
News Archive |
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Data item |
U.Br.Columbia - Photo Posterior view of the right lung (dissection) |
rva |
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Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Anatomy of the menisci and displaced buckle handle - English labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.174 - intervertebral fibrocartilage, horizontal section - English Labels |
Student128 |
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Anatomical Structure |
Pars oralis pharyngis |
admin |
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Data item |
Blausen - Anatomy of the spinal cord - English labels |
Student10 |
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Data item |
Leiden - Presentation slide Drawing Arteries of pancreas, duodenum, liver and spleen - Latin labels |
opgobee |
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Data item |
RCSI - Drawing Cerebral and cervical arteries - English labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Tegmen tympani |
admin |
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Data item |
bone rat embryonic |
aherrler |
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Anatomical Structure |
Rami cardiaci thoracici ganglionum thoracicorum |
admin |
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Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.5.12 - Hair Follicle - English labels |
Jorn IJkhout |
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Data item |
Slagter - Drawing Implantation of blastocyst and formation of embryonic disc - no labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Squama occipitalis |
admin |
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Data item |
Hasselt - Afd. Anatomie - Micro les Bekkenorganen Ambulanciersopleiding |
Leen popleu |
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Data item |
RCSI - Drawing Thyroid and parathyroid glands and vasculature: anterior and lateral - English labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus reticularis lateralis |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.468 - Right kidney, anterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
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Data item |
Leiden, Maas Photo 3 - The female pelvis viewed from superior (plastination specimen) - letter labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Rete testis |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Peritoneum |
admin |
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Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Mandibula: superior view - no labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nervus pharyngeus |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1914 fig.549 - Arteries of the mesial surface of the brain - no labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nervus buccalis |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Facies articularis cartilaginis arytenoideae |
admin |
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Data item |
KnowledgeWorks - Drawing Place of heart and pericardium in the thorax - English labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.548 - Arteries of the base of the brain - English labels |
Student128 |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.538 - Large vascular and nervous trunks of the posterior thoracic wall - no labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Ramus glandularis lateralis (Arteria thyroidea superior) |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami |
admin |
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Data item |
3D Anatomy Lyon: The lumbar vertebra and mobility of the lumbar region - video of 3D model |
rva |
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Data item |
Blausen 0005 - Abdominopelvic quadrants - English labels |
Student10 |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.545 - Nerves and arteries of the outer nasal wall and palate - no labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.295 - muscles of the gluteal region - English Labels |
Student128 |
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Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Development of the aortic arch and branches at 6 weeks - English labels |
rva |
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Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.11.17 - The Diaphragm and crura - Latin, Dutch labels |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Meridiani bulbi oculi |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.362 - Nasal portion of the pharynx, posterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
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Anatomical Structure |
Canalis vomerovaginalis |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Truncus sympathicus |
admin |
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Data item |
U.Br.Columbia - Photo Anatomy of the abdominal wall - no labels (dissection) |
rva |
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Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Variant of dens axis: os odontoideum - no labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Musculi pectinati atrii sinistri |
admin |
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Data item |
Leiden - Drawing Tetralogy of Fallot before surgery - Dutch labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Fasciculus anterior musculus palatopharyngei |
admin |
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Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.21.7 - The Location Structure and Histology of the Thymus - English labels |
Jorn IJkhout |
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Anatomical Structure |
Musculi palati mollis et faucium |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1911 fig.814 - Right external ear, lateral view - English labels |
Student128 |
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Anatomical Structure |
Sulcus limitans |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.199 - elbow joint, posterior view (radial side) - English Labels |
Student128 |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nervus musculi tensoris tympani |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Incisura acetabuli |
admin |
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Data item |
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Segments of the kidney - no labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Surface anatomy thorax and abdomen (external oblique muscle and serratus anterior removed) |
lumcanatomy |
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Anatomical Structure |
Genu |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Ramus auricularis nervus auricularis posterioris |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Arcus dentalis maxillaris |
admin |
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Interactive content |
Heart auscultation areas 3 NL |
opgobee |
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Data item |
TEMPLATE Anatomical Topics TOC |
lumctest |
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Data item |
Antwerpen - afd. ASTARC - 3D model phalanx distalis pedis II - Latin, Dutch labels |
marjanmaldoy |
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Data item |
Inferior view of the deep male and female perineal pouch - no labels |
Siem Zethof |
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Anatomical Structure |
Ligamenta extracapsularia |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nodus arcus venae azygos |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.441 - Musculus cricothyroideus - English labels |
Student128 |
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Data item |
adrenal gland |
aherrler |
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Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Lacrimal bone: posterior view - Latin labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Rami communicantes trunci sympathetici cum nervorum spinalium |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.369 - Lower portion of the oesophagus with stomach, aorta and bifurcation of trachea - no labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo The celiac trunk (3) - numbered Latin labels |
sehellin |
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Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.19.15 - Coronary Blood Vessels - English labels |
Jorn IJkhout |
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Anatomical Structure |
Ramus lateralis ducti hepatici sinistri |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.500 - Female genitalia, sagittal section - English labels |
Student128 |
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Anatomical Structure |
Pes |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Trochlea musculi obliqui superioris bulbi |
admin |
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Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Pterygopalatine fossa: inferolateral view - Latin labels |
rva |
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Learning Path |
Quiz Bekken - Botten en ligamenten (basis) |
opgobee |
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Anatomical Structure |
Surface of arm |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.261 - orbicularis oculi muscle - English Labels |
Student128 |
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Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Atlas and axis from posterior - no labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Palmer - Drawing Female internal genitalia - English labels |
rva |
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Anatomical Structure |
Tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Vena cutanea |
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Anatomical Structure |
Anulus tympanicus |
admin |
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Anatomical Structure |
Ligamentum vestibulare |
admin |
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Data item |
Lymphatic System: an overview |
kmeier |
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Anatomical Structure |
Nodi lymphoidei phrenici superiores |
admin |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.180 - ligaments of the thoracic vertebrae and ribs, lateral view - no labels |
rva |
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Interactive content |
Pijn 3 |
opgobee |
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Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Caecum and appendix - English labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Covantev et al - Drawing Arterial supply of the pancreas - no labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.763 - The tarsal plates with palpebral ligaments and lachrymal sac - no labels |
admin |
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Data item |
3D Anatomy Lyon: The adductor muscles of the hip - video of 3D model |
rva |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1911 fig.807 - Outer wall of the right tympanic cavity, lateral view - English labels |
Student128 |
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Interactive content |
Vascularisatie van het abdomen 2 |
opgobee |
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Data item |
LadyofHats - Drawing Coronal section of heart - no labels |
rva |
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Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.589 - Dura mater with its sinuses - English labels |
Student128 |
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Interactive content |
Pancreas #1 |
leo.koehler |
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Data item |
Gonzalez - 3D model Hyoid Bone |
rva |
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Data item |
Blausen - Anatomy of the gallbladder - English labels |
Student10 |
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