MedicalGraphics - Drawing Segments of the kidney - no labels

nid: 62839
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Segments of the kidney. The left kidney is seen from anterior, the right kidney from posterior. The different segments are given different colours: purple: superior segment, light green: anterior superior segment, red: anterior inferior segment, green: inferior segment, orange/brown: posterior segment. The segmental arteries are named accordingly, e.g. superior segmental artery (arteria segmenti superioris) for the superior segment. 

Retrieved from Similar images, including pathology can be found here.
Anatomical structures in item:
Ren (Nephros)
Segmentum superius renis
Segmentum anterius superius renis
Segmentum anterius inferius renis
Segmentum inferius renis
Segmentum posterius renis
Arteria segmenti anterioris inferioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti anterioris superioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti posterioris (Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti inferioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti superioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
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636 reads
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Segments of the kidney - no labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
  • Status: to be reviewed
Segments of the kidney. The left kidney is seen from anterior, the right kidney from posterior. The different segments are given different colours: purple: superior segment, light green: anterior superior segment, red: anterior inferior segment, green: inferior segment, orange/brown: posterior segment. The segmental arteries are named accordingly, e.g. superior segmental artery (arteria segmenti superioris) for the superior segment. 

Retrieved from Similar images, including pathology can be found here.
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Item id ('nid'): 62839
*.jpg, 80kB, 640x512
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Anatomical structures in item
Ren (Nephros)
Segmentum superius renis
Segmentum anterius superius renis
Segmentum anterius inferius renis
Segmentum inferius renis
Segmentum posterius renis
Arteria segmenti anterioris inferioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti anterioris superioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti posterioris (Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti inferioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
Arteria segmenti superioris (Ramus anterior)(Arteria renalis)
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