Data item |
Antwerpen - afd. ASTARC - 3D model Fourth middle phalanx of the right hand - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Lamina muscularis mucosae gastricae |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sulcus intertubercularis |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Dundee - Drawing Superficial veins of the hand - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Data item |
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Thyroid from anterior - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Data item |
liver rat 20x |
aherrler |
0 |
Interactive content |
Thoraxwand - intercostaalspieren 3 |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Margo inferior pulmonis |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.586a - Development of the inferior vena cava - English labels |
Student128 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Tuberculum epiglotticum |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.552 - Vessels and nerves of the axillary region - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Interactive content |
Dikke darm 4 Blinde darm |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus retroposterolateralis medullae spinalis |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus tractus solitarii |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Isthmus tubae uterinae |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Dundee - Diagram Ascending Neural Tracts - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Fasciculus posterior plexus brachialis |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Superior aspect of cervical vertebra (C4) - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Lamina parietalis tunicae vaginalis testis |
admin |
0 |
Learning Path |
Quiz Lungs - Hilum |
EmmaL |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Facies posterior humeri |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Blausen 0740 - Platelets - English labels |
Student10 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vibrissae |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Gent - Video Anatomie van de hals (dissectie-preparaat) |
rva |
0 |
Interactive content |
Lagen van de darmwand 1 |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus anterior ducti hepatici dextri |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamentum gastrolienale |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Dundee - Drawing The superficial lymph nodes of the head and neck - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamentum calcaneocuboideum |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Palatine bones: anterior view - Latin labels |
rva |
0 |
Learning Path |
Quiz Anatomie van Pijn C - Klinische toepassingen 1 |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Valvula venae cavae inferioris |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Glandula pituitaria |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.11.7 - Front and Side Views of the Muscles of Facial Expressions - English labels |
Jorn IJkhout |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Phalanx proximalis pedis |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.416 - Transverse section through the upper abdominal cavity - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Concha nasalis media |
admin |
0 |
Interactive content |
CASK microscopy kidney |
Daniel Jansma |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Facies costalis scapulae |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Fundus cavitas oris, facies superioris |
koolstra |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Plexus venosus pharyngeus |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Antwerpen - afd. ASTARC - 3D model os sphenoidale sella turcica - Latin, Dutch labels |
marjanmaldoy |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Venae episclerales |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Bursae membri superioris |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Paraganglia sympathica |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami atrioventriculares (Arteria coronaria dextra) |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus accumbens |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Arteriae helicinae penis |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.29 - Posterior view of the eleventh rib - No labels |
Student128 |
0 |
Data item |
Cenveo - Drawing Liver anatomy and vascularisation - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Interactive content |
Renal vascularization-variation 4B ENG |
Deniesi |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sustentaculum tali |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.510 - Vagina and external genitalia of a woman who gave birth - English labels |
Student128 |
0 |
Data item |
About Medicine: 3D model Pelvic diaphragm muscles and ischioanal fossae - English labels |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Foramen ovale |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nervus cardiacus cervicalis medius |
admin |
0 |
Interactive content |
Parts of the stomach |
lumcanatomy |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars basalis (Arteriae lobares inferiores) (Pulmo sinister) |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Human Biology fig. 1.20 - Structure of a skeletal muscle - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus dorsalis nervus ulnaris |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Orbit: anterior view - Latin labels |
rva |
0 |
Learning Path |
Test Spijsverteringsstelsel en abdomen LUMC bachelor jaar 1, nr. 3 |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Articulationes intercarpales |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1914 fig.829 - Top of the finger without nail - English labels |
Student128 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami temporales superficiales nervus auriculotemporalis |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamentum arcuatum medianum |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Servier - Drawing Layers of the heart wall - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Interactive content |
Dikke darm 10 Kenmerken van de dikke darm |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Arteria pudenda externa profunda |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.271 - deep muscles of the arm, lateral view - English Labels |
Student128 |
0 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Ligamentum flavum, posterior longitudinal ligament and thecal sac - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus frontalis (Arteria temporalis superficialis) |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
LibreTexts AnatPhys (Boundless) 11.6A - Schema Subdivisions of the embryonic vertebrate brain - English labels |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus cervicalis lateralis |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nucleus accessorius medialis tractus optici |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamenta collateralia articulationis metacarpophalangeae |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nodi lymphoidei axillarum posteriores |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Epithalamus |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Rami ventrales nervus lumbalium |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Bones of the knee joint: medial view - English labels |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Neurofibrae afferentes |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Scala vestibuli |
admin |
0 |
Interactive content |
Heart characteristics 9 ENG |
Deniesi |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Os cuboideum |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.340 - Upper jaw of a child - English labels |
Student128 |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus communicans nervus glossopharyngei cum nervus auriculotemporali |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
BlueLink - 3D model Third right rib |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Splen |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nervi sacrales et nervus coccygeus [S1-S5, Co] |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Segmentum anterius superius renis |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
3D Anatomy Lyon: Pronation and supination of the forearm - video of 3D model |
rva |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus marginalis dexter arteria coronariae dextrae |
admin |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamentum pisohamatum |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Occipital bone: superior view - no labels |
rva |
0 |
Interactive content |
BBS1005 2.18 |
OlgaMinko |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Venae hepaticae |
admin |
0 |
Data item |
Utah NALab 04 - Brain Dissection Video: The Meninges. Closed Captions in English and Italian |
M_Orsatti |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sulcus nervi petrosi minoris |
admin |
0 |
Interactive content |
Hart kenmerken 10 NL |
opgobee |
0 |
Anatomical Structure |
Lamella posterior nuclei olivaris principalis |
admin |
0 |