Anatomical Structure |
Vena pulmonalis sinistra superior |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Groningen-Leiden - 3D model Atrioventricular septal defect - numbered English labels |
opgobee |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.574 - Vessels and nerves of the thigh, anterior view - no labels |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus coni arteriosi arteria coronariae dextrae |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.384 - Mucous membrane of the rectum - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Data item |
Gent - Video Anatomie van de milt (dissectie-preparaat) |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Facies externa ossis parietalis |
admin |
1 |
Interactive content |
serratus anterior |
henkschutte |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Incisura tentorii |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Facies articularis navicularis tali |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sutura sphenozygomatica |
admin |
1 |
Interactive content |
Kidney Q#11 |
leo.koehler |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.752 - External ocular muscles, anterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Triangular fibrocartilage complex - English labels |
rva |
1 |
Interactive content |
nier-inwendig 5 NL |
opgobee |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Gyrus precentralis |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamentum mallei anterius |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.221 - menisci and origin of the crucial ligaments - English Labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Ligamentum stylomandibulare and ligamentum sphenomandibulare: posterolateral view - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars ascendens duodeni |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Closed vocal cords - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Data item |
RCSI - Drawing Radial nerve in cubital fossa - English labels |
rva |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.424 - Lateral wall of the nasal cavity without lower and middle conchae - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Interactive content |
Bloedvaten 39 maag regio's |
tjscherphof |
1 |
Data item |
Antwerpen - afd. ASTARC - 3D model os palatinum - Latin, Dutch labels |
marjanmaldoy |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ganglia aorticorenalia |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sulcus interventricularis anterior |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Valvula |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus basalis lateralis (arteria pulmonalis sinistra) |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ramus transversus (Arteria circumflexa femoris lateralis) |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Radiopaedia - Drawing Right bronchial tree from superior - English labels |
rva |
1 |
Data item |
Slagter - Drawing Male inguinal area internal view - no labels |
opgobee |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.345 - Deciduous and permanent teeth, lateral view - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ostium anatomicum uteri internum |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Capsula glomerularis |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.410 - Colon in situ - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Interactive content |
General histology Q#10 |
leo.koehler |
1 |
Interactive content |
Muscle #16 |
leo.koehler |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.182 - occipital bone with atlas, axis and ligaments, posterior view - English Labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Data item |
MedicalGraphics - Drawing Cerebrum, and cerebellum: lateral view - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Arteriae metacarpales dorsales |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.767 - The right eye, closed - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Facies anterior uteri |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Arteria meningea posterior |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sulcus tendinis musculi fibularis longi |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.629 - Fissures and convulsions of the cerebral cortex, inferior view - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Clivus |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Arteria umbilicalis |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Ghent - Video Palpaties regio femoris anterior |
Joris Van de Velde |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Stratum oriens hippocampi |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.42 - base of the skull, inferior view - English Labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Syndesmosis |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
RCSI - Drawing External, middle and inner ear - English labels |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Os sacrum [vertebrae sacrales I - V] |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.675 - Transverse section of the brain with tracts - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Membrana sterni |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Nasal bone: anterior view - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.281 - tendons of the hand, dorsal - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.122 - radius, medial view - English Labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Sinus sphenoparietalis |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.483 - Median section of the male pelvis and genitalia - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Data item |
thyroid gland human |
aherrler |
1 |
Learning Path |
Heart and Vessels Entrance exam #2 |
leo.koehler |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1911 fig.748 - Ocular muscles, lateral view - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Fascia parietalis thoracis |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
U.Br.Columbia - Drawing Musculocutaneous nerve and the brachial plexus - English labels |
rva |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.634 - The fornix in its natural position - coloured, no labels |
rva |
1 |
Interactive content |
Autonomic nervous system ENG 1 - Sympathetic routes |
Deniesi |
1 |
Interactive content |
Definition of an artery |
lumcanatomy |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Musculus papillaris anterior ventriculi dextri |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vena gastrica sinistra |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars intersegmentalis (Vena anterior) |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.38 - bones of the skull, anterior view - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Vena saphena magna |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Nodi lymphoidei postcavales |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Plexus submucosus |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.811 - Cartilaginous portion of the left tuba auditiva, transverse section - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Crus |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1906 fig.377 - Portion of the ileum, opened - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Basis stapedis |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Pars magnocellularis nuclei reticularis lateralis |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
3D Anatomy Lyon: Coupling reflex control to voluntary control - video of 3D model |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Labium laterale lineae asperae |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1911 fig.797 - The right incus, median view - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Data item |
Lynch - Drawing Normal short axis view of heart at aortic level - English labels |
rva |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Musculus epicranius |
admin |
1 |
Interactive content |
Lever bloedvoorziening - samenvatting |
opgobee |
1 |
Data item |
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.28.15 - Photo of Embryo - English labels |
Jorn IJkhout |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.739 - The lens, anterior view - English labels |
Student128 |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Fossa vestibuli vaginae |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Insulae pancreaticae |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Circulus vasculosus |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Venae bronchiales |
admin |
1 |
Data item |
Sobotta 1909 fig.548 - Arteries of the base of the brain - no labels |
rva |
1 |
Interactive content |
Dikke darm 2 Positie appendix |
opgobee |
1 |
Data item |
Route into omental bursa |
lumcanatomy |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Ligamenta glenohumeralia |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Stratum nervosum retinae |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Tuba auditoria (auditiva) |
admin |
1 |
Anatomical Structure |
Perineurium |
admin |
1 |