Slagter - Drawing Anatomy of the brain and neurons - no labels

nid: 63211
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None available
Anatomy of the brain and neurons. The three drawings on the left are a lateral view of the brain, a sagittal section of the brain, and a coronal section of the brain. The three drawings on the right are from upper to lower: location of different cortexes and areas of the brain, anatomy of a neuron, and a synapse. Version without labels.
Anatomical structures in item:
Truncus encephali
Corpus striatum
Corpus amygdaloideum
Chiasma opticum
Glandula pituitaria
Tractus opticus
Pars centralis ventriculi lateralis
Corpus callosum
Substantia alba medullae oblongatae
Substantia grisea
Cortex cerebelli
Fissura longitudinalis cerebri
Lobus frontalis
Gyrus frontalis inferior
Lobus temporalis
Sulcus centralis cerebri
Lobus parietalis
Lobus occipitalis
Lobus frontalis
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator
Requirements for usage
You are free to use this item if you follow the requirements of the license: View license

If you use this item you should credit it as follows:

  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Slagter - Drawing Anatomy of the brain and neurons - no labels" at by Ron Slagter, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • For digital usage (e.g. in PowerPoint, Impress, Word, Writer) - copy and paste the line below (optionally add the license icon):
653 reads
Slagter - Drawing Anatomy of the brain and neurons - no labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator
  • Status: to be reviewed
Anatomy of the brain and neurons. The three drawings on the left are a lateral view of the brain, a sagittal section of the brain, and a coronal section of the brain. The three drawings on the right are from upper to lower: location of different cortexes and areas of the brain, anatomy of a neuron, and a synapse. Version without labels.
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 63211
*.jpg, 1MB, 4526x3266
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Anatomical structures in item
Truncus encephali
Corpus striatum
Corpus amygdaloideum
Chiasma opticum
Glandula pituitaria
Tractus opticus
Pars centralis ventriculi lateralis
Corpus callosum
Substantia alba medullae oblongatae
Substantia grisea
Cortex cerebelli
Fissura longitudinalis cerebri
Lobus frontalis
Gyrus frontalis inferior
Lobus temporalis
Sulcus centralis cerebri
Lobus parietalis
Lobus occipitalis
Lobus frontalis
Image / question collection
Ron Slagter
Image / technique source