nid: 62599
Additional formats:
- Schematic drawing round ligament and falciform ligament, metaphor washing line.pptx, *.pptx, 45kB, Powerpoint version for editing
The relation between the round ligament of liver and the falciform ligament often causes confusion. They may be compared to a washing line with a bed sheet draped over it, as metaphor. This schematic drawing shows that.
The image is a derivative based on https://pixabay.com/illustrations/rope-clothes-line-knitting-carpet-1923477/ by susannp4, Pixabay license.
The image is a derivative based on https://pixabay.com/illustrations/rope-clothes-line-knitting-carpet-1923477/ by susannp4, Pixabay license.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: opgobee
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Ligamentum falciforme hepatis
Ligamentum teres hepatis
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC; Susann Mielke (alias: susannp4), photographer
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"Leiden - Schematic drawing round ligament and falciform ligament, metaphor washing line - Latin labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by O. Paul Gobée, LUMC and Susann Mielke (alias: susannp4), license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike