Items: | 14 |
Attempts allowed: | Unlimited |
Available: | Always |
Pass rate: | 75 % |
Backwards navigation: | Allowed |
Truncus sympathicus
Nervus splanchnicus major
Nervus splanchnicus minor
Nervus splanchnicus imus
Ramus communicans
Ramus communicans albus trunci sympathetici cum nervorum spinalium
Ramus communicans griseus trunci sympathetici cum nervorum spinalium
Nervus vagus
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
A quiz consisting of 14 questions concerning anatomical structures of the autonomic nervous system and conduction routes, both in schematic drawings and dissection photos. Target group: bachelor medicine students. Discussed are: thoracic splanchnic nerves, white and gray ramus comminucans, sympathetic trunk, coeliac plexus and ganglia, superior mesenteric plexus and ganglia, prevertebral plexi and ganglia, vagal nerve.
- Status: to be reviewed
- 7419 reads