Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo Bursa omentalis (3) - no labels

nid: 63719
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None available
In this photo we get an anterior view of the bursa omentalis after the gastrocolic ligament is transsected and the stomach is inverted upwards. This is a photo of a specimen embalmed with zinc chloride. 
Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo Bursa omentalis (3) - no labels © 2022 by Senne Hellinck is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 
Anatomical structures in item:
Vesica biliaris (Fellea)
Caput pancreatis
Collum pancreatis
Corpus pancreatis
Cauda pancreatis
Vena portae hepatis
Truncus coeliacus
Arteria lienalis
Arteria hepatica communis
Arteria gastroduodenalis
Arteria gastroomentalis dextra
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior
Arteria hepatica propria
Arteria mesenterica superior
Vena mesenterica superior
Uploaded by: sehellin Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University
Creator(s)/credit: Senne Hellinck, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University; Louis Detremmerie, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University
Requirements for usage
You are free to use this item if you follow the requirements of the license: View license

If you use this item you should credit it as follows:

  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo Bursa omentalis (3) - no labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by Senne Hellinck, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University and Louis Detremmerie, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • For digital usage (e.g. in PowerPoint, Impress, Word, Writer) - copy and paste the line below (optionally add the license icon):
  • "Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo Bursa omentalis (3) - no labels" by Senne Hellinck, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University and Louis Detremmerie, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University, license: CC BY-NC-SA

543 reads
Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo Bursa omentalis (3) - no labels
Uploaded by: sehellin
Institution: Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University
Creator(s)/credit: Senne Hellinck, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University; Louis Detremmerie, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University
  • Status: to be reviewed
In this photo we get an anterior view of the bursa omentalis after the gastrocolic ligament is transsected and the stomach is inverted upwards. This is a photo of a specimen embalmed with zinc chloride. 
Universiteit Gent - Students - Photo Bursa omentalis (3) - no labels © 2022 by Senne Hellinck is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 63719
*.JPG, 1MB, 2459x2149
User comments


Anatomical structures in item
Vesica biliaris (Fellea)
Caput pancreatis
Collum pancreatis
Corpus pancreatis
Cauda pancreatis
Vena portae hepatis
Truncus coeliacus
Arteria lienalis
Arteria hepatica communis
Arteria gastroduodenalis
Arteria gastroomentalis dextra
Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior
Arteria hepatica propria
Arteria mesenterica superior
Vena mesenterica superior
Image / question collection
Collections (all non-atlas-images)
Image / technique source
Dissection (as usually performed at a department of anatomy)