Leiden - Median laparotomy incision - no labels

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Abdominal incisions for laparotomic approach pelvic surgery, median laparotomy – no labels
nid: 59422
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The median laparotomy incision is depicted. Modified from 'Different incisions for laparotomic approach pelvic surgery – no labels' that has more incisions and an additional opened abdominal wall image. No labels.
Illustration by Ron Slagter and Marco DeRuiter for course 'Surgical Anatomy of the lesser pelvis' by the 'Urologisch Opleidings Instituut', the Netherlands.
Anatomical structures in item:
Musculi abdominis
Vagina musculi recti abdominis
Musculus rectus abdominis
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator, LUMC; Prof. Marco DeRuiter PhD, anatomist, LUMC; O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
Requirements for usage
You are free to use this item if you follow the requirements of the license: View license

If you use this item you should credit it as follows:

  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Leiden - Median laparotomy incision - no labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by Ron Slagter, LUMC, Marco DeRuiter, LUMC and O. Paul Gobée, LUMC, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Modified from https://anatomytool.org/content/different-incisions-laparotomic-approach-pelvic-surgery-%E2%80%93-no-labels
  • For digital usage (e.g. in PowerPoint, Impress, Word, Writer) - copy and paste the line below (optionally add the license icon):
  • "Leiden - Median laparotomy incision - no labels" by Ron Slagter, LUMC, Marco DeRuiter, LUMC and O. Paul Gobée, LUMC, license: CC BY-NC-SA. Modified from https://anatomytool.org/content/different-incisions-laparotomic-approach-pelvic-surgery-%E2%80%93-no-labels

1352 reads
Leiden - Median laparotomy incision - no labels
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator, LUMC; Prof. Marco DeRuiter PhD, anatomist, LUMC; O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed
The median laparotomy incision is depicted. Modified from 'Different incisions for laparotomic approach pelvic surgery – no labels' that has more incisions and an additional opened abdominal wall image. No labels.
Illustration by Ron Slagter and Marco DeRuiter for course 'Surgical Anatomy of the lesser pelvis' by the 'Urologisch Opleidings Instituut', the Netherlands.
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 59422
*.png, 1MB, 1439x1772
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Anatomical structures in item
Musculi abdominis
Vagina musculi recti abdominis
Musculus rectus abdominis
Clinical anatomy
Clinical discipline
Gastroenteric surgery
Image / question collection
Ron Slagter
Image / technique source