nid: 63710
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In this image we can study the diafragmatic surface (facies diafragmatica) of the liver as if it was taken out of the body by dividing it from its ligamentous attachments, the porta hepatis and the inferior vena cava.
Labels: Lobus dexter hepatis (1), Lobus sinister hepatis (2), Ligamentum falciforme hepatis (3), Ligamentum teres hepatis (4), Ligamentum coronarium hepatis (5), Ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis (6), Ligamentum triangulare sinistrum hepatis (7), Diafragma (8), Margo inferior hepatis (9), Vesica biliaris (10)
Universiteit Gent - Students - Drawing Hepar/Liver (2) - numbered Latin labels © 2023 by Manon Sierens is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Labels: Lobus dexter hepatis (1), Lobus sinister hepatis (2), Ligamentum falciforme hepatis (3), Ligamentum teres hepatis (4), Ligamentum coronarium hepatis (5), Ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis (6), Ligamentum triangulare sinistrum hepatis (7), Diafragma (8), Margo inferior hepatis (9), Vesica biliaris (10)
Universiteit Gent - Students - Drawing Hepar/Liver (2) - numbered Latin labels © 2023 by Manon Sierens is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: sehellin
Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University
Lobus hepatis dexter
Lobus hepatis sinister
Ligamentum falciforme hepatis
Ligamentum teres hepatis
Ligamentum coronarium hepatis
Ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis
Ligamentum triangulare sinistrum hepatis
Margo inferior hepatis
Vesica biliaris (Fellea)
Creator(s)/credit: Manon Sierens, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University; Jana Foulon, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University; Senne Hellinck, student, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University
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"Universiteit Gent - Students - Drawing Hepar/Liver (2) - numbered Latin labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by Manon Sierens, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University, Jana Foulon, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University and Senne Hellinck, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
"Universiteit Gent - Students - Drawing Hepar/Liver (2) - numbered Latin labels" by Manon Sierens, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University, Jana Foulon, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University and Senne Hellinck, Belgium, Gent (Ghent) - Ghent University, license: CC BY-NC-SA