U.Br.Columbia - Drawing The posterior triangle of the neck - English labels

nid: 60417
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The posterior triangle of the neck. The structures of the posterior triangle of the neck are shown. Also, a part of the anterior triangle are shown. English labels.
Retrieved from website Clinical Anatomy of the University of British Columbia.
Anatomical structures in item:
Ductus parotideus
Trigonum cervicale posterius
Musculus trapezius
Glandula parotidea
Vena facialis
Nervus auricularis magnus
Nervus occipitalis minor
Nervus accessorius [XI]
Nervus transversus cervicalis
Vena jugularis externa
Nervi supraclaviculares
Arteria transversa cervicis
Nervus suprascapularis
Arteria suprascapularis
Nervi supraclaviculares laterales
Nervi supraclaviculares
Musculus omohyoideus
Vena jugularis interna
Musculus sternocleidomastoideus
Musculus sternohyoideus
Glandula thyroidea
Vena thyroidea superior
Arteria thyroidea superior
Arteria carotis communis
Musculus thyrohyoideus
Glandula submandibularis
Vena facialis
Vena retromandibularis
Vena lingualis
Arteria lingualis
Arteria facialis
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
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  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "U.Br.Columbia - Drawing The posterior triangle of the neck - English labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by , license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Source: website Clinical Anatomy, http://www.clinicalanatomy.ca
  • For digital usage (e.g. in PowerPoint, Impress, Word, Writer) - copy and paste the line below (optionally add the license icon):
  • "U.Br.Columbia - Drawing The posterior triangle of the neck - English labels" by , license: CC BY-NC-SA. Source: website Clinical Anatomy, http://www.clinicalanatomy.ca

711 reads
U.Br.Columbia - Drawing The posterior triangle of the neck - English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
  • Status: to be reviewed
The posterior triangle of the neck. The structures of the posterior triangle of the neck are shown. Also, a part of the anterior triangle are shown. English labels.
Retrieved from website Clinical Anatomy of the University of British Columbia.
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 60417
*.png, 688kB, 760x600
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Anatomical structures in item
Ductus parotideus
Trigonum cervicale posterius
Musculus trapezius
Glandula parotidea
Vena facialis
Nervus auricularis magnus
Nervus occipitalis minor
Nervus accessorius [XI]
Nervus transversus cervicalis
Vena jugularis externa
Nervi supraclaviculares
Arteria transversa cervicis
Nervus suprascapularis
Arteria suprascapularis
Nervi supraclaviculares laterales
Nervi supraclaviculares
Musculus omohyoideus
Vena jugularis interna
Musculus sternocleidomastoideus
Musculus sternohyoideus
Glandula thyroidea
Vena thyroidea superior
Arteria thyroidea superior
Arteria carotis communis
Musculus thyrohyoideus
Glandula submandibularis
Vena facialis
Vena retromandibularis
Vena lingualis
Arteria lingualis
Arteria facialis
Image / question collection
UBC ClinicalAnatomy
Image / technique source