nid: 60363
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Parasagittal section of head. In this parasagittal section of the head, important structures of the oral and nasal cavity are annotated. English labels.
Retrieved from website Clinical Anatomy of the University of British Columbia.
Retrieved from website Clinical Anatomy of the University of British Columbia.
Anatomical structures in item:
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Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Cavitas nasi
Cavitas oris
Arteria cerebri anterior
Sinus frontalis
Sinus sphenoidalis
Concha nasalis media
Septum linguae
Musculus genioglossus
Musculus geniohyoideus
Musculus mylohyoideus
Uvula palatina
Tuba auditoria (auditiva)
Medulla oblongata
Creator(s)/credit: A.G.L. (Nan) Cheney, medical illustrator, UBC; Dr. F.R.C. Johnstone MB, MSc, F.R.C.S. (Edin.), UBC
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"U.Br.Columbia - Drawing Parasagittal section of head - English labels" at by A.G.L. (Nan) Cheney, UBC and F.R.C. Johnstone, UBC, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Source: website Clinical Anatomy,
"U.Br.Columbia - Drawing Parasagittal section of head - English labels" by A.G.L. (Nan) Cheney, UBC and F.R.C. Johnstone, UBC, license: CC BY-NC-SA. Source: website Clinical Anatomy,