Sobotta 1909 fig.593 - Superficial veins of the neck and subclavicular fossa - no labels

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nid: 62000
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Superficial veins of the neck and subclavicular fossa.
From 'Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy', 1911 (?), Vol. 3, fig.593, by Johannes Sobotta and J. Playfair McMurrich. Artist: K. Hajek. Retrieved from Sobotta's Anatomy plates at Wikimedia.
Image editing by Theo Photographyx
Anatomical structures in item:
Arteria carotis communis
Vena facialis
Nervus hypoglossus [XII]
Musculus hyoglossus
Musculus digastricus
Musculus mylohyoideus
Arteria maxillaris
Glandula parotidea
Vena thyroidea superior
Musculus sternocleidomastoideus
Vena jugularis interna
Nervus vagus
Nervus laryngeus recurrens
Vena cephalica
Musculus pectoralis major
Vena brachiocephalica
Arteria thoracoacromialis
Venae transversae cervicis
Arteria transversa cervicis
Glandula thyroidea
Vena thyroidea inferior
Arteria thyroidea superior
Musculus omohyoideus
Musculus sternohyoideus
Musculus sternothyroideus
Vena jugularis externa
Vena submentalis
Glandula submandibularis
Vena jugularis anterior
Prominentia laryngea
Vena axillaris
Vena thoracoacromialis
Nervi intercostales
Musculus deltoideus
Musculus trapezius
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Prof.dr. Johannes Sobotta, anatomist; Theo Photographyx, photographer, image editing
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387 reads
Sobotta 1909 fig.593 - Superficial veins of the neck and subclavicular fossa - no labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Prof.dr. Johannes Sobotta, anatomist; Theo Photographyx, photographer, image editing
  • Status: to be reviewed
Superficial veins of the neck and subclavicular fossa.
From 'Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy', 1911 (?), Vol. 3, fig.593, by Johannes Sobotta and J. Playfair McMurrich. Artist: K. Hajek. Retrieved from Sobotta's Anatomy plates at Wikimedia.
Image editing by Theo Photographyx
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Item id ('nid'): 62000
*.png, 8MB, 2560x3320
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Anatomical structures in item
Arteria carotis communis
Vena facialis
Nervus hypoglossus [XII]
Musculus hyoglossus
Musculus digastricus
Musculus mylohyoideus
Arteria maxillaris
Glandula parotidea
Vena thyroidea superior
Musculus sternocleidomastoideus
Vena jugularis interna
Nervus vagus
Nervus laryngeus recurrens
Vena cephalica
Musculus pectoralis major
Vena brachiocephalica
Arteria thoracoacromialis
Venae transversae cervicis
Arteria transversa cervicis
Glandula thyroidea
Vena thyroidea inferior
Arteria thyroidea superior
Musculus omohyoideus
Musculus sternohyoideus
Musculus sternothyroideus
Vena jugularis externa
Vena submentalis
Glandula submandibularis
Vena jugularis anterior
Prominentia laryngea
Vena axillaris
Vena thoracoacromialis
Nervi intercostales
Musculus deltoideus
Musculus trapezius
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