Slagter - Drawing appendicitis, pain route and referred pain - no labels

nid: 62361
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Inflamed appendix and pain route. This image depicts the anatomical background of the classical pain presentation of (early) appendicitis. The pain signal from the appendix follows the indicated route to arrive at a certain level of the spinal cord. Sensory information from the abdominal wall in the umbilical area arrives at the same level in the spinal cord. The origin of the pain signal then cannot be distinguished anymore, leading to so called 'referred pain' experienced in the abdominal wall around the umbilicus.
Anatomical structures in item:
Appendix vermiformis
Vena dorsalis
Ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis
Radix posterior (Nervus spinalis)
Radix anterior (Nervus spinalis)
Medulla spinalis
Truncus sympathicus
Ganglion sympathicum
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator; O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
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454 reads
Slagter - Drawing appendicitis, pain route and referred pain - no labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator; O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed
Inflamed appendix and pain route. This image depicts the anatomical background of the classical pain presentation of (early) appendicitis. The pain signal from the appendix follows the indicated route to arrive at a certain level of the spinal cord. Sensory information from the abdominal wall in the umbilical area arrives at the same level in the spinal cord. The origin of the pain signal then cannot be distinguished anymore, leading to so called 'referred pain' experienced in the abdominal wall around the umbilicus.
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Item id ('nid'): 62361
*.jpg, 296kB, 985x1243
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Anatomical structures in item
Appendix vermiformis
Vena dorsalis
Ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis
Radix posterior (Nervus spinalis)
Radix anterior (Nervus spinalis)
Medulla spinalis
Truncus sympathicus
Ganglion sympathicum
Image / question collection
Ron Slagter
Image / technique source