Radiopaedia - Drawing Suprameatal triangle (mastoid fossa; MacEwen triangle) - no labels

nid: 62672
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Suprameatal triangle (mastoid fossa; MacEwen triangle). The suprameatal triangle (also known as the mastoid fossa and MacEwen triangle) is a landmark on the temporal bone superior to the external auditory meatus. The landmark is used to locate the matoid antrum. 

Case courtesy of Assoc Prof Craig Hacking, From the case rID: 40071
Anatomical structures in item:
Foveola suprameatalis
Antrum mastoideum
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Craig Hacking MB.BS, BSc
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852 reads
Radiopaedia - Drawing Suprameatal triangle (mastoid fossa; MacEwen triangle) - no labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Craig Hacking MB.BS, BSc
  • Status: to be reviewed
Suprameatal triangle (mastoid fossa; MacEwen triangle). The suprameatal triangle (also known as the mastoid fossa and MacEwen triangle) is a landmark on the temporal bone superior to the external auditory meatus. The landmark is used to locate the matoid antrum. 

Case courtesy of Assoc Prof Craig Hacking, From the case rID: 40071
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Item id ('nid'): 62672
*.jpeg, 64kB, 630x618
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Anatomical structures in item
Foveola suprameatalis
Antrum mastoideum
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