nid: 60240
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Contents and boundaries of the femoral triangle. The femoral triangle is an anatomical space in the upper thigh, it's borders are the sartorius muscle (lateral), adductor longus muscle (medial), inguinal ligament (superior), and illopsoas and pectineus muscle (floor). The contents are the femoral nerve, artery, vein and canal. No labels
Case courtesy of Assoc Prof Craig Hacking, From the case rID: 70536
Case courtesy of Assoc Prof Craig Hacking, From the case rID: 70536
Anatomical structures in item:
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Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Femoral triangle
Musculus sartorius
Musculus adductor longus
Ramus femoralis nervus genitofemoralis
Nervus femoralis
Arteria femoralis
superficial femoral artery
Arteria profunda femoris
Vena profunda femoris
Vena saphena magna
Vena femoralis
Vena femoralis
Canalis femoralis
Anulus femoralis
Femoral sheath
Ligamentum inguinale
Creator(s)/credit: Craig Hacking MB.BS, BSc
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"Radiopaedia - Drawing Contents and boundaries of the femoral triangle - no labels" at by Craig Hacking, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike