OpenStax AnatPhys fig.14.16 - Rods and Cones - English labels

nid: 59262
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Photoreceptor. (a) All photoreceptors have inner segments containing the nucleus and other important organelles and outer segments with membrane arrays containing the photosensitive opsin molecules. Rod outer segments are long columnar shapes with stacks of membrane-bound discs that contain the rhodopsin pigment. Cone outer segments are short, tapered shapes with folds of membrane in place of the discs in the rods. (b) Tissue of the retina shows a dense layer of nuclei of the rods and cones. LM × 800. (Micrograph provided by the Regents of University of Michigan Medical School © 2012). English labels. From OpenStax book 'Anatomy and Physiology', fig. 14.16.
Anatomical structures in item:
Stratum segmentorum externorum et internorum retinae
Stratum pigmentosum retinae
Stratum ganglionicum retinae
Nervus opticus
Uploaded by: Jorn IJkhout Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: OpenStax; Regents of U-M Medical School, UMich MedSchool
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  • "OpenStax AnatPhys fig.14.16 - Rods and Cones - English labels" at by OpenStax and Regents of U-M Medical School, UMich MedSchool, license: Creative Commons Attribution. Source: book 'Anatomy and Physiology',
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  • "OpenStax AnatPhys fig.14.16 - Rods and Cones - English labels" by OpenStax and Regents of U-M Medical School, UMich MedSchool, license: CC BY. Source: book 'Anatomy and Physiology',

184 reads
OpenStax AnatPhys fig.14.16 - Rods and Cones - English labels
Uploaded by: Jorn IJkhout
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: OpenStax; Regents of U-M Medical School, UMich MedSchool
  • Status: to be reviewed
Photoreceptor. (a) All photoreceptors have inner segments containing the nucleus and other important organelles and outer segments with membrane arrays containing the photosensitive opsin molecules. Rod outer segments are long columnar shapes with stacks of membrane-bound discs that contain the rhodopsin pigment. Cone outer segments are short, tapered shapes with folds of membrane in place of the discs in the rods. (b) Tissue of the retina shows a dense layer of nuclei of the rods and cones. LM × 800. (Micrograph provided by the Regents of University of Michigan Medical School © 2012). English labels. From OpenStax book 'Anatomy and Physiology', fig. 14.16.
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Item id ('nid'): 59262
*.jpg, 646kB, 1050x1542
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Anatomical structures in item
Stratum segmentorum externorum et internorum retinae
Stratum pigmentosum retinae
Stratum ganglionicum retinae
Nervus opticus
Image / question collection
OpenStax Anatomy & Physiology
Image / technique source