OLI - Drawing Relationship of blood capillaries and lymphatic capillaries - English labels

nid: 62601
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Relationship of blood capillaries and lymphatic capillaries. Lymphatic capillaries unite to form larger lymphatic vessels. Structurally, lymphatic vessels are similar to veins because they also have one way valves that function like gates to ensure the lymph only flows in one direction. Like veins, skeletal muscle contraction exerts pressure on the lymph vessels and forces the lymph forward through them. Lymph vessels are like one-way roads, with the lymph being collected at the capillary beds and travels through the body into the thoracic cavity. Lymph is deposited in one of two large ducts in the chest region: the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct. The lymph then travels from these ducts into venous circulation via the subclavian and jugular veins. English labels.
Image and description retrieved from Anatomy & Physiology by Open Learning Initiative (CC BY-NC-SA).
Anatomical structures in item:
Ductus lymphaticus dexter
Vas lymphaticum
Trunci et ductus lymphatici
Plexus lymphaticus
Vas lymphocapillare
Vas capillare
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Open Learning Initiative
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962 reads
OLI - Drawing Relationship of blood capillaries and lymphatic capillaries - English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Open Learning Initiative
  • Status: to be reviewed
Relationship of blood capillaries and lymphatic capillaries. Lymphatic capillaries unite to form larger lymphatic vessels. Structurally, lymphatic vessels are similar to veins because they also have one way valves that function like gates to ensure the lymph only flows in one direction. Like veins, skeletal muscle contraction exerts pressure on the lymph vessels and forces the lymph forward through them. Lymph vessels are like one-way roads, with the lymph being collected at the capillary beds and travels through the body into the thoracic cavity. Lymph is deposited in one of two large ducts in the chest region: the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct. The lymph then travels from these ducts into venous circulation via the subclavian and jugular veins. English labels.
Image and description retrieved from Anatomy & Physiology by Open Learning Initiative (CC BY-NC-SA).
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 62601
*.jpg, 160kB, 770x559
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Anatomical structures in item
Ductus lymphaticus dexter
Vas lymphaticum
Trunci et ductus lymphatici
Plexus lymphaticus
Vas lymphocapillare
Vas capillare
Image / question collection
OLI (Open Learning Initiative)
Image / technique source