NYSORA - Drawing Pectoralis muscles and nerves - English labels

nid: 60842
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Pectoralis muscles and nerves. The anatomy of the pectoralis minor, major and their innervating nerves can be seen in this image. Also other muscles, vessels and nerves are shown but not labeled. English labels.
Image created for NYSORA by VisionExpo.Design - www.nysora.com  
Anatomical structures in item:
Nervus pectoralis lateralis
Nervus pectoralis medialis
Nervi intercostobrachiales
Musculus pectoralis major
Musculus pectoralis minor
Nervus thoracodorsalis
Musculus serratus anterior
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: New York School of Regional Anesthesia; VisionExpo.Design, illustration creation
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930 reads
NYSORA - Drawing Pectoralis muscles and nerves - English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: New York School of Regional Anesthesia; VisionExpo.Design, illustration creation
  • Status: to be reviewed
Pectoralis muscles and nerves. The anatomy of the pectoralis minor, major and their innervating nerves can be seen in this image. Also other muscles, vessels and nerves are shown but not labeled. English labels.
Image created for NYSORA by VisionExpo.Design - www.nysora.com  
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Item id ('nid'): 60842
*.jpg, 241kB, 1500x1059
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Anatomical structures in item
Nervus pectoralis lateralis
Nervus pectoralis medialis
Nervi intercostobrachiales
Musculus pectoralis major
Musculus pectoralis minor
Nervus thoracodorsalis
Musculus serratus anterior
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