Mysid - Drawing Body cavities - English labels

nid: 62765
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Body cavities. This image shows the names of large body cavities. English labels.

Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons. Vectorization: Mysid in Inkscape, based on

Anatomical structures in item:
Cavitas cranii
Cavitas thoracis
Cavitas abdominis
Cavitas pelvis
Cavitas abdominis et pelvis
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: User:Mysid
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This item is in the Public Domain because its copyright has expired. You are not required to credit its creators when you use it. Nevertheless, it is adviced to do so. First, it is academically correct to pay tribute to the creators. Second, items of unknown origin might be classified as 'copyright infringement' by copyright controlling bodies, with possible resulting bills. Stating the item's source will prevent this. You can use the following text:

  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Mysid - Drawing Body cavities - English labels" at by User:Mysid is in the Public Domain.
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455 reads
Mysid - Drawing Body cavities - English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: User:Mysid
  • Status: to be reviewed

Body cavities. This image shows the names of large body cavities. English labels.

Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons. Vectorization: Mysid in Inkscape, based on

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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 62765
*.png, 58kB, 503x607
User comments


Anatomical structures in item
Cavitas cranii
Cavitas thoracis
Cavitas abdominis
Cavitas pelvis
Cavitas abdominis et pelvis
Image / question collection
Collections (all non-atlas-images)
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