Leiden - Photo Differences in external characteristics of Jejunum and Ileum (dissection specimen) - no labels

Leiden - Photo Differences in external characteristics of Jejunum and Ileum (dissection specimen) - no labels
nid: 63572
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None available
A part of the jejunum (above) and of the ileum (below) are shown. The blood vessels have been injected with coloured rubber. The differences in external characteristics between Jejunum and Ileum can be seen.
The jejunum (above) has a larger caliber and more coarse vessels and larger but less vessels arches.  In the ileum (below) the vessels arches are finer and in multiple levels .
Anatomical structures in item:
Arteriae jejunales
Arteriae ileales
Intestinum tenue
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Judith de Roeck-den Boeft, prosector, specimen, LUMC; Tamara M. Guijt - Alberts, prosector, photo, LUMC
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If you use this item you should credit it as follows:

  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Leiden - Photo Differences in external characteristics of Jejunum and Ileum (dissection specimen) - no labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by Judith de Roeck-den Boeft, LUMC and Tamara M. Guijt - Alberts, LUMC, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • For digital usage (e.g. in PowerPoint, Impress, Word, Writer) - copy and paste the line below (optionally add the license icon):
  • "Leiden - Photo Differences in external characteristics of Jejunum and Ileum (dissection specimen) - no labels" by Judith de Roeck-den Boeft, LUMC and Tamara M. Guijt - Alberts, LUMC, license: CC BY-NC-SA

865 reads
Leiden - Photo Differences in external characteristics of Jejunum and Ileum (dissection specimen) - no labels
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Judith de Roeck-den Boeft, prosector, specimen, LUMC; Tamara M. Guijt - Alberts, prosector, photo, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed
A part of the jejunum (above) and of the ileum (below) are shown. The blood vessels have been injected with coloured rubber. The differences in external characteristics between Jejunum and Ileum can be seen.
The jejunum (above) has a larger caliber and more coarse vessels and larger but less vessels arches.  In the ileum (below) the vessels arches are finer and in multiple levels .
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 63572
*.png, 2MB, 918x1504
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Anatomical structures in item
Arteriae jejunales
Arteriae ileales
Intestinum tenue
Image / question collection
Collections (all non-atlas-images)
Image / technique source
Dissection (as usually performed at a department of anatomy)