Human Biology fig. 1.30 - Large nerves of the body - English labels

nid: 59821
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Large nerves of the human body. This image shows (most of) the large nerves of the human body. English labels. 

From ‘Human Biology’ by D. Wilkin and J. Brainard.

Anatomical structures in item:
Medulla spinalis
Systema nervosum
Systema nervosum centrale
Systema nervosum periphericum
Plexus brachialis
Nervus musculocutaneus
Nervus radialis
Nervus medianus
Nervus iliohypogastricus
Nervus genitofemoralis
Nervus obturatorius
Nervus fibularis communis
Nervus ulnaris
Nervus fibularis profundus
Nervus fibularis superficialis
Nervi intercostales
Nervus subcostalis
Plexus lumbalis
Plexus sacralis
Nervus femoralis
Nervus pudendus
Nervus ischiadicus
Rami musculares nervus femoralis
Nervus saphenus
Nervus tibialis
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: User:The Emirr/Wikimedia Commons
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  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Human Biology fig. 1.30 - Large nerves of the body - English labels" at by User:The Emirr/Wikimedia Commons, license: Creative Commons Attribution. Source: book ‘Human Biology’,
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  • "Human Biology fig. 1.30 - Large nerves of the body - English labels" by User:The Emirr/Wikimedia Commons, license: CC BY. Source: book ‘Human Biology’,

1621 reads
Human Biology fig. 1.30 - Large nerves of the body - English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: User:The Emirr/Wikimedia Commons
  • Status: to be reviewed
Large nerves of the human body. This image shows (most of) the large nerves of the human body. English labels. 

From ‘Human Biology’ by D. Wilkin and J. Brainard.

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Item id ('nid'): 59821
*.jpg, 156kB, 800x940
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Anatomical structures in item
Medulla spinalis
Systema nervosum
Systema nervosum centrale
Systema nervosum periphericum
Plexus brachialis
Nervus musculocutaneus
Nervus radialis
Nervus medianus
Nervus iliohypogastricus
Nervus genitofemoralis
Nervus obturatorius
Nervus fibularis communis
Nervus ulnaris
Nervus fibularis profundus
Nervus fibularis superficialis
Nervi intercostales
Nervus subcostalis
Plexus lumbalis
Plexus sacralis
Nervus femoralis
Nervus pudendus
Nervus ischiadicus
Rami musculares nervus femoralis
Nervus saphenus
Nervus tibialis
Image / technique source