Groningen - 3D model Cardiac Conduction System and Coronaries

nid: 58317
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Cardiac Conduction System  and Coronaries. This 3D model shows the cardiac conduction system and the coronaries, in the canonical configuration of the coronaries. The coronaries have been given colours. Corresponding faint transparent colour shadings indicate the supplied cardiac areas by each coronary. It can be observed that the dorsally lying AV node is supplied by a branch from the right coronary, whilst the bundle branches that lie centrally in the septum are in the left coronary's supply area.
fThe conduction system of the heart consists of cardiac muscle cells and conducting fibers (not nervous tissue) that are specialized for initiating impulses and conducting them rapidly through the heart. They initiate the normal cardiac cycle and coordinate the contractions of cardiac chambers. The conducting system provides the heart its automatic rhythmic beat. For the heart to pump efficiently and the systemic and pumonary circulations to operate in synchrony, the events in the cardiac cycle must be coordinated.
Anatomical structures in item:
Nodus sinuatrialis
Nodus atrioventricularis
Fasciculus atrioventricularis
Rami subendocardiales fasciculi atrioventricularis
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Anna Sieben
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  • For usage in print - copy and paste the line below:
  • "Groningen - 3D model Cardiac Conduction System and Coronaries" at by Anna Sieben, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. From E-learning UMCG
  • For digital usage (e.g. in PowerPoint, Impress, Word, Writer) - copy and paste the line below (optionally add the license icon):
  • "Groningen - 3D model Cardiac Conduction System and Coronaries" by Anna Sieben, license: CC BY-NC-SA. From E-learning UMCG

1272 reads
Groningen - 3D model Cardiac Conduction System and Coronaries
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Anna Sieben
  • Status: to be reviewed

Cardiac Conduction System  and Coronaries. This 3D model shows the cardiac conduction system and the coronaries, in the canonical configuration of the coronaries. The coronaries have been given colours. Corresponding faint transparent colour shadings indicate the supplied cardiac areas by each coronary. It can be observed that the dorsally lying AV node is supplied by a branch from the right coronary, whilst the bundle branches that lie centrally in the septum are in the left coronary's supply area.
fThe conduction system of the heart consists of cardiac muscle cells and conducting fibers (not nervous tissue) that are specialized for initiating impulses and conducting them rapidly through the heart. They initiate the normal cardiac cycle and coordinate the contractions of cardiac chambers. The conducting system provides the heart its automatic rhythmic beat. For the heart to pump efficiently and the systemic and pumonary circulations to operate in synchrony, the events in the cardiac cycle must be coordinated.
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Item id ('nid'): 58317
Online presentation
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Anatomical structures in item
Nodus sinuatrialis
Nodus atrioventricularis
Fasciculus atrioventricularis
Rami subendocardiales fasciculi atrioventricularis