nid: 60456
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This model shows an overview of the human lymphatic system. Besides the main parts of the lymphatic system, it shows the trachea (white) and part of the aorta (red), the skeleton (light brown) and parts of the venous system. Parts of the aorta and the venous system were added since the lymphatics tend to follow the veins in the limbs and the arteries in the torso.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Nodi lymphoidei inguinales profundi
Nodi lymphoidei cubitales
Nodi lymphoidei poplitei
Nodi lymphoidei axillarum anteriores
Ductus thoracicus
Ductus lymphaticus dexter
Nodi lymphoidei mesenterici inferiores
Nodi lymphoidei coeliaci
Cisterna chyli
Ductus thoracicus
Truncus lymphaticus lumbalis
Central axillary lymph node
Nodi lymphoidei paratracheales
Creator(s)/credit: University of Dundee, CAHID; Anna Sieben; BodyParts3D, The Database Center for Life Science
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"Dundee - 3D model Lymphatic system" at by University of Dundee, CAHID, Anna Sieben and BodyParts3D, The Database Center for Life Science, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike