Anatomy Standard - Drawing Distal ulna and radius - Latin labels

nid: 63341
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Distal ulna and radius. The distal epiphyses of the right radius and ulna. Anterior oblique view. On the distal end, the radius has a large concave-shaped articular surface for the joint with the carpal bones (facies articularis carpalis). Note that the distal end of the ulna is separated from the wrist bones by the articular disc. This is why the distance between ulna and carpal bones is much larger than the one on the radial side, and the shape of the ulna's head is not congruent to the carpal bones. Latin labels.

Image and description retrieved from Anatomy Standard, page Radius.
Anatomical structures in item:
Facies articularis carpalis radii
Processus styloideus radii
Dorsal tubercle of radius
Ulnar notch of radius
Processus styloideus ulnae
Articular circumference of proximal epiphysis of ulna
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Jānis Šavlovskis MD, PhD, Assistant Professor; Kristaps Raits, 3D generalist
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1687 reads
Anatomy Standard - Drawing Distal ulna and radius - Latin labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Jānis Šavlovskis MD, PhD, Assistant Professor; Kristaps Raits, 3D generalist
  • Status: to be reviewed
Distal ulna and radius. The distal epiphyses of the right radius and ulna. Anterior oblique view. On the distal end, the radius has a large concave-shaped articular surface for the joint with the carpal bones (facies articularis carpalis). Note that the distal end of the ulna is separated from the wrist bones by the articular disc. This is why the distance between ulna and carpal bones is much larger than the one on the radial side, and the shape of the ulna's head is not congruent to the carpal bones. Latin labels.

Image and description retrieved from Anatomy Standard, page Radius.
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Item id ('nid'): 63341
*.jpg, 95kB, 1080x1230
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Anatomical structures in item
Facies articularis carpalis radii
Processus styloideus radii
Dorsal tubercle of radius
Ulnar notch of radius
Processus styloideus ulnae
Articular circumference of proximal epiphysis of ulna
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