About Medicine: 3D model femoral triangle, femoral sheath and contained femoral vessels

nid: 59501
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This is a schematic 3D model that shows the femoral sheath that encloses the proximal femoral artery and vein and forms the femoral canal. Also, the femoral triangle is roughly indicated. This 3D model is part of a collection of 3D models and video's under the name 'About Medicine' that schematize medical or anatomical matters, created by Rueben Schmidt, medical student from Australia.
Anatomical structures in item:
Canalis femoralis
Anulus femoralis
Hiatus saphenus
Femoral triangle
Femoral sheath
Septum femorale
Ligamentum lacunare
Arteria femoralis
Vena femoralis
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Rueben Schmidt, medical student
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1234 reads
About Medicine: 3D model femoral triangle, femoral sheath and contained femoral vessels
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Rueben Schmidt, medical student
  • Status: to be reviewed


This is a schematic 3D model that shows the femoral sheath that encloses the proximal femoral artery and vein and forms the femoral canal. Also, the femoral triangle is roughly indicated. This 3D model is part of a collection of 3D models and video's under the name 'About Medicine' that schematize medical or anatomical matters, created by Rueben Schmidt, medical student from Australia.
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 59501
Online presentation
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Anatomical structures in item
Canalis femoralis
Anulus femoralis
Hiatus saphenus
Femoral triangle
Femoral sheath
Septum femorale
Ligamentum lacunare
Arteria femoralis
Vena femoralis