Open 3D Model

The Open 3D Man

Icon Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike

Video by Eungyeol Lee

Open Source and Free 3D Model of Human Anatomy.

Created by Anatomists at renowned Universities.

Non-commercial, University based.

To learn, use and build on.


The departments of anatomy of Leiden University Medical Center, University Medical Center Utrecht, Maastricht University Medical Center and University of Leuven KULAK endeavour to create an Open Source and Free 3D Model of Human Anatomy and make it easily usable for teachers and students. An initial grant for this work was received from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science. The model is based on predecessor models BodyParts and Z-Anatomy.

The model will be licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY SA). The present work is on a male model. Several derivatives will be created from the model, including sub-models, videos and presentations.

Open 3D model in online viewer

For Students
Models designed to show only the essential structures for a specific topic; don't lose your way in a plethora of details.
Explore by easily hiding or showing structures, to discover their relations.

For Instructors
Demonstrate with ease, models designed to easily navigate through the structures essential to explain a specific concept or region.

Open 3D model in online viewer

Video: pelvis - bony parts, ligaments, passways

For Students
Sit back and learn anatomical highlights per region.

For Instructors
Short videos demonstrating specific topics.
Ready to show in class.

Video: pelvis - bony parts, ligaments, passways video: pelvis - obturator internus and piriformis muscles rotating video: pelvis - pelvic floor seen above and below and pudendal canal


Consecutive images show building up of pelvic diaphragm

For Students
Watch the slides and see anatomy being built up step by step.

For Instructors
Series of slides ready to use or to adapt to your needs, showing consecutive building up of anatomy.

Presentation: pelvis - bony parts, ligaments, passways Presentation: Building up the pelvic floor Presentation: pelvis - blood vessels


Collaborate in further developing the model?

Contact us!