Leiden - Presentation - Pelvis - Bony parts, ligaments and passways

nid: 63854
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Short presentation showing in a 3D model the most important bony parts, ligaments and passways of the pelvis.
It is based on the 3D sub model 'Pelvic floor and perineum' (untextured) by Marco C. DeRuiter, Eungyeol Lee, Daniël Jansma and Paul Gobée (all at LUMC), which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY SA) at https://anatomytool.org/content/open3danatomy-3d-model-pelvic-floor-and-perineum-english-labels. This was based on predecessor models BodyParts and Z-Anatomy.
Anatomical structures in item:
Spina ischiadica
Tuber ischiadicum
Ligamentum sacrospinale
Ligamentum sacrotuberale
Foramen ischiadicum majus
Foramen ischiadicum minus
Foramen obturatum
Canalis obturatorius
Os sacrum [vertebrae sacrales I - V]
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC; Prof.dr. Marco C. DeRuiter, anatomist, LUMC; Eungyeol Lee M.Sci.Ill., 3D modeller, LUMC; Daniël Jansma MSc, Developer of viewer, LUMC
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You are free to use this item if you follow the requirements of the license: View license

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329 reads
Leiden - Presentation - Pelvis - Bony parts, ligaments and passways
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: O. Paul Gobée MD, anatomist, LUMC; Prof.dr. Marco C. DeRuiter, anatomist, LUMC; Eungyeol Lee M.Sci.Ill., 3D modeller, LUMC; Daniël Jansma MSc, Developer of viewer, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed
Short presentation showing in a 3D model the most important bony parts, ligaments and passways of the pelvis.
It is based on the 3D sub model 'Pelvic floor and perineum' (untextured) by Marco C. DeRuiter, Eungyeol Lee, Daniël Jansma and Paul Gobée (all at LUMC), which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike (CC BY SA) at https://anatomytool.org/content/open3danatomy-3d-model-pelvic-floor-and-perineum-english-labels. This was based on predecessor models BodyParts and Z-Anatomy.
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Item id ('nid'): 63854
*.pdf, 1MB
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Anatomical structures in item
Spina ischiadica
Tuber ischiadicum
Ligamentum sacrospinale
Ligamentum sacrotuberale
Foramen ischiadicum majus
Foramen ischiadicum minus
Foramen obturatum
Canalis obturatorius
Os sacrum [vertebrae sacrales I - V]