nid: 63138
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Right palatine bone: medial view. The palatine bone (os palatina) borders the lateral and inferior walls of the choanae (in an L-shape). Note that the posterior & inferior portions of the maxillar surface directly articulate with maxilla, and the anterior portion of that surface covers the maxillary sinus. Version without labels.
Image and description retrieved from Anatomy Standard. Via this link, more images on the palatine bone can be found, including ex situ and in situ orientation.
Image and description retrieved from Anatomy Standard. Via this link, more images on the palatine bone can be found, including ex situ and in situ orientation.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Os palatinum
Incisura sphenopalatina
Ethmoidal crest of palatine bone
Nasal surface of perpendicular plate of palatine bone
Conchal crest of palatine bone
Processus orbitalis ossis palatini
Lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
Creator(s)/credit: Jānis Šavlovskis MD, PhD, Assistant Professor; Kristaps Raits, 3D generalist
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"Anatomy Standard - Drawing Right palatine bone: medial view - no labels" at by Jānis Šavlovskis and Kristaps Raits, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial