Leiden MOOC 6.4 - Video Anatomy on the Table: Innervation of the viscera - abdomen

nid: 62805
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n this dissection video the autonomic nerves in the abdomen are shown - the sympathetic trunk, its lumbar splanchnic nerves, the preaortic autonomic plexi and ganglia, and the parasympathetic anterior vagal trunk.
This video is part of the MOOC 'Anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis: a journey from basis to clinic' from Leiden University Medical Center.
Anatomical structures in item:
Pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi
Pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi
Systema nervosum periphericum
Divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici
Truncus sympathicus
Nervus vagus
Nervi splanchnici lumbales
Truncus vagalis anterior
Plexus coeliacus
Ganglia coeliaca
Plexus nervosus mesentericus inferior
Plexus nervosus intermesentericus
Plexus nervosus hypogastricus superior
Uploaded by: opgobee Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Bas Boekestijn MD, Resident Radiology, LUMC
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427 reads
Leiden MOOC 6.4 - Video Anatomy on the Table: Innervation of the viscera - abdomen
Uploaded by: opgobee
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Bas Boekestijn MD, Resident Radiology, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed


n this dissection video the autonomic nerves in the abdomen are shown - the sympathetic trunk, its lumbar splanchnic nerves, the preaortic autonomic plexi and ganglia, and the parasympathetic anterior vagal trunk.
This video is part of the MOOC 'Anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis: a journey from basis to clinic' from Leiden University Medical Center.
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Item id ('nid'): 62805
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Anatomical structures in item
Pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi
Pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi
Systema nervosum periphericum
Divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici
Truncus sympathicus
Nervus vagus
Nervi splanchnici lumbales
Truncus vagalis anterior
Plexus coeliacus
Ganglia coeliaca
Plexus nervosus mesentericus inferior
Plexus nervosus intermesentericus
Plexus nervosus hypogastricus superior