nid: 62741
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Arteries and veins of kidney and adrenal gland. The arteries and veins that supply the kidneys and adrenal glands are drawn. No labels
This image by the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) is retrieved from Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) of the University of Utah.
This image by the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) is retrieved from Health Education Assets Library (HEAL) of the University of Utah.
Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Glandula suprarenalis
Ren (Nephros)
Arteria renalis
Venae renales
Vena renalis dextra
Vena renalis sinistra
Arteriae suprarenales superiores
Arteria suprarenalis media
Arteria suprarenalis inferior
Rami ureterici (Arteria suprarenalis inferior)
Vena suprarenalis sinistra
Vena suprarenalis dextra
Arteria phrenica inferior
Venae phrenicae inferiores
Gonadal artery
Vena gonadalis
Vena testicularis sinistra
Vena testicularis dextra
Vena ovarica dextra
Vena ovarica sinistra
Truncus coeliacus
Arteria mesenterica superior
Arteria iliaca interna
Venae lumbales
Creator(s)/credit: Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
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"RCSI - Drawing Arteries and veins of kidney and adrenal gland - no labels" at AnatomyTOOL.org by Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike