nid: 62662
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Annular and cruciform parts of fibrous sheath over flexor tendon sheaths.
Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons.
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Anatomical structures in item:
Uploaded by: rva
Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Digiti manus
Common synovial tendon sheath
Eminentia thenaris
Eminentia hypothenaris
Musculus flexor pollicis brevis
Musculus adductor pollicis
Arcuate pulley of fibrous tendon sheath of finger
Cruciform pulley of fibrous tendon sheath of finger
Ramus palmaris superficialis (Arteria radialis)
Nervi digitales palmares proprii
Musculi interossei palmares
Musculus adductor pollicis
Arteriae digitales palmares communes
Nervi digitales palmares proprii
Vaginae fibrosae digitorum manus
Musculus flexor digitorum profundus
Common synovial tendon sheath
Arteria ulnaris
Nervus ulnaris
Creator(s)/credit: Wilfredor
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"Wilfredor - Drawing Annular and cruciform parts of fibrous sheath over flexor tendon sheaths - number labels" at by Wilfredor is in the Public Domain (CC0).