KnowledgeWorks - Drawing Tongue and adjacent structures - English labels

nid: 62557
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Tongue and adjacent structures. The tongue has papillae which contain taste buds. The palatine tonsils are drawn next to the radix (root) of the tongue. English labels.
Retrieved from Anatomy & Physiology by Open Learning Initiative (CC BY-NC-SA).
Anatomical structures in item:
Corpus linguae
Radix linguae
Papillae linguales
Frenulum linguae
Os hyoideum
Tonsilla palatina
Apex linguae
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
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460 reads
KnowledgeWorks - Drawing Tongue and adjacent structures - English labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
  • Status: to be reviewed
Tongue and adjacent structures. The tongue has papillae which contain taste buds. The palatine tonsils are drawn next to the radix (root) of the tongue. English labels.
Retrieved from Anatomy & Physiology by Open Learning Initiative (CC BY-NC-SA).
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 62557
*.jpg, 824kB, 1997x951
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Anatomical structures in item
Corpus linguae
Radix linguae
Papillae linguales
Frenulum linguae
Os hyoideum
Tonsilla palatina
Apex linguae
Image / question collection
OLI (Open Learning Initiative)
Image / technique source