Lesson completed.

You got 57 of 70 possible points.
Your score was: 81 %

You passed this preparation for the anatomy class Kidneys. Now study these items in the dissection hall.

Question Results

Score 7 of 10


Kidney schematic hotspots Eng


Drag and Drop

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
cortex cortex cortex
renal column renal column renal sinus
minor calyx minor calyces minor calyces
renal sinus renal sinus renal column
renal papilla renal papilla renal papilla
major calyx major calyces major calyces
perirenal fat perirenal fat perirenal fat
renal pyramid/medulla pyramid/medulla pyramid/medulla
fibrous capsule fibrous capsule fibrous capsule
renal pelvis renal pelvis renal pelvis
hilum hilum hilum
ureter ureter ureter
Score 10 of 10


Identify the main abdominal blood vessels and the kidneys


Kidney and abdominal arteries

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
inferior vena cava vena cava inferior vena cava inferior
reight andrenal gland right adrenal gland right adrenal gland
right kidney right kidney right kidney
right gonadal vein right gonadal vein right gonadal vein
right gonadal artery right gonadal artery right gonadal artery
right ureter right ureter right ureter
coeliac trunk coeliac trunk coeliac trunk
superior mesenteric artery superior mesenteric artery superior mesenteric artery
left renal vein left renal vein left renal vein
aorta aorta aorta
inferior mesenteric artery inferior mesenteric artery inferior mesenteric artery
left ureter left ureter left ureter
left ext iliac artery left external iliac artery left external iliac artery
bladder bladder bladder
Score 10 of 10


Kidney internal Eng 2
Score 10 of 10


Kidney internal 3 Eng
Score 10 of 10


Kidney internal pyramids ENG 1
Score 0 of 10


Kidney-internal-3D-dissection ENG
Score 10 of 10


Kidney position


The kidney is a retroperitoneal organ.
