Leiden - Drawing Congenital heart defects: transposition of the great arteries, ventricular septal defect (open valves) - Dutch labels

nid: 62315
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Congenital heart defects: transposition of the great arteries (transpositie van de grote vaten), ventricular septal defect (ventrikelseptumdefect). The left drawing shows the normal heart, the middle drawing shows a heart with Transposition of the Great Arteries, and the right drawing shows a heart with both Transposition of the Great Arteries and ventricular septal defect. Note: in this image all heart valves are opened, while in the image without labels the semilunar valves are closed. Dutch labels. 
Anatomical structures in item:
Septum interventriculare
Truncus brachiocephalicus
Arteria carotis communis
Arteria subclavia
Truncus pulmonalis
Venae pulmonales
Vena cava superior
Vena cava inferior
Valva aortae
Valva mitralis
Valva tricuspidalis
Valva trunci pulmonalis
Musculi papillares cordis
Trabecula septomarginalis
Arcus aortae
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator; Dr Monique R.M. Jongbloed PhD, cardiologist, anatomist, LUMC; Dr. Margot M. Bartelings MD, PhD, anatomist, LUMC
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727 reads
Leiden - Drawing Congenital heart defects: transposition of the great arteries, ventricular septal defect (open valves) - Dutch labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator; Dr Monique R.M. Jongbloed PhD, cardiologist, anatomist, LUMC; Dr. Margot M. Bartelings MD, PhD, anatomist, LUMC
  • Status: to be reviewed
Congenital heart defects: transposition of the great arteries (transpositie van de grote vaten), ventricular septal defect (ventrikelseptumdefect). The left drawing shows the normal heart, the middle drawing shows a heart with Transposition of the Great Arteries, and the right drawing shows a heart with both Transposition of the Great Arteries and ventricular septal defect. Note: in this image all heart valves are opened, while in the image without labels the semilunar valves are closed. Dutch labels. 
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Item id ('nid'): 62315
*.jpg, 175kB, 1823x1012
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Anatomical structures in item
Septum interventriculare
Truncus brachiocephalicus
Arteria carotis communis
Arteria subclavia
Truncus pulmonalis
Venae pulmonales
Vena cava superior
Vena cava inferior
Valva aortae
Valva mitralis
Valva tricuspidalis
Valva trunci pulmonalis
Musculi papillares cordis
Trabecula septomarginalis
Arcus aortae
Clinical anatomy
Clinical discipline
Image / question collection
Ron Slagter
Image / technique source