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Question Results

Score 0 of 10


anatomical directions


Drag the terms for anatomical directions to the correct drop locations. Sometimes, several answers are correct. Try to think about the meaning of these positional terms. It might help to remember them better.

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
cranial cranial
caudal caudal
anterior anterior
posterior posterior
proximal proximal
distal distal
proximal proximal
distal distal
medial medial
lateral lateral
superior superior
inferior inferior
sinister sinister
dexter dexter
ventral anterior
dorsal posterior
Score 0 of 10


anatomical planes


Assign the correct names to each of the planes. Sometimes, several answers are possible. Try to think where the names come from, it might help you to remember them better.

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sagittal plane sagittal plane
longitudinal plane
frontal plane frontal plane
coronal plane
transverse plane transverse plane
longitudinal sagittal plane
longitudinal plane
coronal plane frontal plane
coronal plane
Score 6 of 10


Heart structure


Match the names with the corresponding numbers in the picture and drag them to the appropriate field.

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
1 right atrium right atrium
2 left ventricle left atrium
3 pulmonary trunk pulmonary trunk
4 pulmonary veins pulmonary veins
5 pulmonary arteries pulmonary arteries
6 right ventricle right ventricle
7 brachiocephalic trunk brachiocephalic trunk
8 superior vena cava superior vena cava
9 inferior vena cava inferior vena cava
10 left atrium left ventricle
11 aorta aorta
Score 0 of 0


vv. pulmonales
Score 0 of 0


sinus coronarius
Score 0 of 0


tricuspid valve right ventricle
Score 10 of 10


heart valves


The picture shows the heart bases of two hearts. The atria have been removed and you now have a schematic cranial view on all 4 valves. Which heart is in sytole and which in diastole? Drag the terms to the corresponding structures and answer the question.

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
left coronary artery left coronary artery left coronary artery
semilunar aortic valve semilunar aortic valve semilunar aortic valve
semilunar pulmonary valve semilunar pulmonary valve semilunar pulmonary valve
right coronary artery right coronary artery right coronary artery
tricuspid valve tricuspid valve tricuspid valve
bicuspid valve bicuspid valve bicuspid valve
heart in systole heart in systole heart in systole
heart in diastole heart in diastole heart in diastole
Score 10 of 10


synonyms for tricuspid valve


Which terms is a synonym for tricuspid valve?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
semilunar aortic valve
left atrioventricular valve
right atrioventricular valve
mitral valve
semilunar pulmonary valve
Score 10 of 10


synonyms for bicuspid valve


Which terms are synonyms for bicuspid valve?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
right atrioventricular valve
semilunar aortic valve
left atrioventricular valve
semilunar pulmonary valve
mitral valve
Score 10 of 10


heart conduction system


Match the names with the corresponding numbers in the picture and drag them to the appropriate field.

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
1 aorta aorta
2   atrioventricular node atrioventricular node
3 semilunar aortic valve semilunar aortic valve
4 sinoatrial node sinoatrial node
5 Bundle of His Bundle of His
6 left atrium left atrium
7 Bundle branches Bundle branches
8 Purkinje fibers Purkinje fibers
9 right atrium right atrium
Score 10 of 10




Drag the names to the fields indicating the corresponding structures. (Watch out: this is a picture to give a schematic overview of the circulations.)

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
PuV pulmonary veins pulmonary veins
aorta aorta aorta
HA hepatic artery hepatic artery
RA renal arteries renal arteries
RV renal veins renal veins
HV hepatic vein hepatic vein
VC vena cava vena cava
PA pulmonary arteries pulmonary arteries
PV portal vein portal vein
Score 10 of 10


coronary circulation


Which circulatory component is not shown on the figure?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
systemic circulation
coronary circulation
pulmonary circulation
Score 0 of 10


Route of blood through the systemic and pulmonary circulation


Describe the proper route of the blood through the small (pulmonary) circulation and the large (systemic) circulation. Drag the names of the large blood vessels, the heart cavities and the body parts to the correct position.  Start with the right atrium. 

Right atrium
right ventricle
pulmonary trunk
pulmonary veins
left atrium
left ventricle
inferior and superior vena cava
and back to the right atrium
Score 9 of 10


thoracic arteries


Which arteries branch off the aortic arch and the thoracic aorta? Drag appropriate names into the corresponding numbered field. Drag the organs and body parts that are supplied by these vessels in the corresponding fields of right column. Use all terms!

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
vertebral artery vertebral artery vertebral artery
common carotid artery common carotid artery common carotid artery
bronchial branches bronchial branches bronchial branches
oesophageal branches oesophageal branches oesophageal branches
subclavian artery subclavian artery subclavian artery
head neck head head
neck neck
bronchi lungs bronchi bronchi
lungs lungs
arm arm arm
wall oesophagus wall oesophagus wall oesophagus
cerebellum, spinal cord, hindbrain, circle of willis cerebellum cerebellum
upper spinal cord upper spinal cord
Score 6 of 10


abdominal arteries


Which arteries branch off the abdominal aorta? Drag appropriate names into the corresponding numbered field. Drag the organs/body parts that are supplied by these vessels in corresponding fields in right column. Use all terms!

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
common iliac   common iliac artery common iliac artery
inf mes inferior mesenteric artery inferior mesenteric artery
gonadal artery   gonadal artery gonadal artery
renal artery renal artery renal artery
suprarenal artery suprarenal artery suprarenal artery
small intestine, ascend colon, transv colon small intestine descending colon
ascending colon transverse colon (first part)
transverse colon (first part)
liver stomach spleen liver liver
stomach small intestine
spleen stomach
transv colon, sigmoid colon, descen colon descending colon ascending colon
transverse colon (last part) transverse colon (last part)
sigmoid colon sigmoid colon
leg pelvis leg leg
pelvic organs
ovaries testicles ovaries ovaries
testicles pelvic organs
kidneys kidneys kidneys
adrenal gland adrenal glands adrenal glands
sup mes superior mesenteric artery superior mesenteric artery
coeliac trunk coeliac trunk coeliac trunk
Score 10 of 10


thoracic and abdominal veins


Put the appropriate names to the numbers

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
1 internal jugular vein internal jugular vein
2 external jugular vein external jugular vein
3 subclavian vein subclavian vein
4 brachiocephalic vein brachiocephalic vein
5 axillary vein axillary vein
6 hemiazygos vein hemiazygos vein
7 inferior vena cava inferior vena cava
8 superior vena cava superior vena cava
9 azygos vein azygos vein
10 renal veins renal veins
11 common iliac vein common iliac vein
Score 9 of 10


abdominal veins


Identify the large numbered veins and drag their names into the corresponding numbered field of the left column. Drag the names of the organs that drain their blood into these veins in the appropriate field of the right column.

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
sup mes vein inferior mesenteric vein inferior mesenteric vein
splenic vein splenic vein splenic vein
inf mes vein superior mesenteric vein superior mesenteric vein
portal vein portal vein portal vein
spleen pancreas stomach spleen spleen
pancreas pancreas
hindgut transverse colon ascending colon
ascending colon transverse colon
jejenum jejenum
ileum ileum
GI tract spleen pancreas gal bladder all mentoined organs all mentoined organs
upper part of rectum
sigmoid colon
transverse colon
ascending colon
descending colon
midgut descending colon descending colon
sigmoid colon sigmoid colon
upper part of rectum upper part of rectum