Slagter - Drawing Muscles around popliteal fossa: posterior view - no labels

nid: 62248
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Muscles around popliteal fossa: posterior view. The superficial muscles of the inferior part of the thigh and superior part of the leg are drawn in this image.
Anatomical structures in item:
Fossa poplitea
Musculus gracilis
Musculus semimembranosus
Musculus semitendinosus
Musculus biceps femoris
Musculus gastrocnemius
Caput laterale musculus gastrocnemii
Caput mediale musculus gastrocnemii
Arteria poplitea
Vena poplitea
Nervus tibialis
Nervus fibularis communis
Musculus plantaris
Uploaded by: rva Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator
Requirements for usage
You are free to use this item if you follow the requirements of the license: View license

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653 reads
Slagter - Drawing Muscles around popliteal fossa: posterior view - no labels
Uploaded by: rva
Institution: Netherlands, Leiden – Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University
Creator(s)/credit: Ron Slagter NZIMBI, medical illustrator
  • Status: to be reviewed
Muscles around popliteal fossa: posterior view. The superficial muscles of the inferior part of the thigh and superior part of the leg are drawn in this image.
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Technical info
Item id ('nid'): 62248
*.jpg, 678kB, 1803x4440
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Anatomical structures in item
Fossa poplitea
Musculus gracilis
Musculus semimembranosus
Musculus semitendinosus
Musculus biceps femoris
Musculus gastrocnemius
Caput laterale musculus gastrocnemii
Caput mediale musculus gastrocnemii
Arteria poplitea
Vena poplitea
Nervus tibialis
Nervus fibularis communis
Musculus plantaris
Image / question collection
Ron Slagter
Image / technique source