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Question Results

Score 0 of 10


Drag CTs in order


Drag the CTs in order, from cranial to caudal.

DropzoneCorrect AnswersYour answers
kidney-height kidney-hghtpancreas hght
upper abdom height upper abdom hghtilium-hght
pancreas height pancreas hghtupper abdom hght
umbilicus-height umbilicus-hghtkidney-hght
ilium-height ilium-hghtumbilicus-hght
Score 2 of 10


Structures on cross sections 1 ENG


This question is part of the cross-sectional set on https://anatomytool.org/content/leiden-anatomy-cross-sections

Fill in:

The left kidney can be seen from cross-sections 210 to 312.

The right kidney can be seen from cross-sections 310 to 413.

The right kidney is the lowest (most inferior) in this person.

Variation occurs. Which kidney is usually lowest (most inferior): the right kidney.

Score 0 of 10


Structures on cross sections 5 ENG


This question is part of the cross-sectional set on https://anatomytool.org/content/leiden-anatomy-cross-sections

Fill in:

What cross-section shows both the left and right adrenal glands? Cross-section 210.

Score 0 of 10


Structures on cross-sections 6


This question is part of the cross-sectional set on https://anatomytool.org/content/leiden-anatomy-cross-sections

Fill in:

The iliopsoas muscle is formed by the psoas major muscle and iliacus muscle.

The psoas major muscle can be seen on cross-sections 10 to 16 / 17.

The iliacus muscle lies against the os ilium and can be seen on cross-sections 14 to 16 / 17.

The iliopsoas muscle can be seen on cross-sections 16 / 17 to 20 / 21 / 22.