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Score 10 of 10


Foreign body (Corpus alienum)


A foreign body is more common in the right than in the left main bronchus.


Score 10 of 10


Bronchi and aspiration of foreign bodies 1 ENG


Which statement about the anatomy of the airways and the aspiration risk of foreign bodies (corpora alieni) is correct?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
The carina is located right of the median line compared to the trachea, increasing the risk of aspiration of a foreign body into the left lung.
The right main bronchus is more vertical and wider than the left main bronchus, increasing the risk of aspiration of a foreign body in the right lung.
The left main bronchus is more vertical and wider than the right main bronchus, increasing the risk of aspiration of a foreign body into the left lung.
The carina is located left of the median line compared to the trachea, increasing the risk of aspiration of a foreign body into the right lung.