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Score 10 of 10


Structures lung 6


What is the structure indicated by 5 called?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Cardiac notch
Apex of the lung
Base of the lung
Pulmonary ligament
Lung hilum
Horizontal fissure
Oblique fissure
Score 10 of 10


Lobes of lungs and pneumonia 1 ENG


What is the structure indicated by 5 called?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Oblique fissure
Apex of the lung
Pulmonary ligament
Cardiac notch
Lung hilum
Horizontal fissure
Base of the lung
Score 10 of 10


Bronchopulmonary segments 1 ENG


Which lobe of the lung is colored yellow on the chest X-ray? Note: click on the image to enlarge it. Source: Dr Phillip Marsh, Radiopaedia.org, https://radiopaedia.org. From the case 58938,  https://radiopaedia.org/cases/58938. License: CC BY NC SA

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Superior lobe
Middle lobe
Inferior lobe
Score 0 of 10


Lobes of lung 1


Which lobe of the lung is colored yellow on the chest X-ray? Note: click on the image to enlarge it. Source: Dr Phillip Marsh, Radiopaedia.org, https://radiopaedia.org. From the case 58938,  https://radiopaedia.org/cases/58938. License: CC BY NC SA

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Superior lobe
Middle lobe
Inferior lobe