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Question Results

Score 10 of 10


Liver and bile ducts 6 Ligament with three tubular structures


On the specimen a black circle is drawn around three tubular structures. This circle represents a ligament that contains these three tubular structures. Which ligament is intended?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Falciform ligament
Coronary ligament of the liver
Hepatogastric ligament
Round ligament of the liver
Hepatoduodenal ligament
Score 10 of 10


Liver and bile ducts 5 Structures in the hepatoduodenal ligament


On the specimen a black circle is drawn around three tubular structures. This circle represents a ligament that contains these three tubular structures. Which ligament is intended?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Falciform ligament
Coronary ligament of the liver
Hepatogastric ligament
Round ligament of the liver
Hepatoduodenal ligament
Score 0 of 10


Liver and bile ducts 7 Porta hepatis
Score 0 of 10


Liver and bile ducts 11 Anatomic and surgical liver halves