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Score 10 of 10


Coronary arteries angiograms 1


The photo shows a coronary angiogram of the left coronary artery from a left anterior oblique view.  What is the blood vessel indicated by the number 113? Source: Clinical anatomy of the coronary arteries, by Van der Wal J, Rensema H, Trompert R, Herrler A, UM, http://www.anatomytool.org/content/clinical-anatomy-coronary-arteries, Licence: CC BY NC SA

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
 Anterior interventricular branch (ramus interventricularis anterior) of the left coronary artery (left anterior descending artery, LAD).
Left coronary artery (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Marginal branch (Ramus marginalis) of the left coronary artery (Obtuse marginal artery, OM)
Circumflex branch (ramus circumflexus) of the left coronary artery (Left circumflex artery, LCx)
Score 10 of 10


Coronary arteries angiograms 2


The photo shows a coronary angiogram of the left coronary artery from a left anterior oblique view. Which blood vessel is indicated by the number 117? Source: Clinical anatomy of the coronary arteries, door Van der Wal J, Rensema H, Trompert R, Herrler A, UM, http://www.anatomytool.org/content/clinical-anatomy-coronary-arteries, Licence: CC BY NC SA

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Left coronary artery (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Circumflex branch (ramus circumflexus) of the left coronary artery (left circumflex artery, LCx)
Marginal branch (ramus marginalis) of the left coronary artery (obtuse marginal artery, OM)
Anterior interventricular branch (ramus interventricularis anterior) of the left coronary artery (left anterior descending artery, LAD)
Score 10 of 10


Coronary arteries 9


The photo shows a coronary angiogram of the left coronary artery from a left anterior oblique view. Which blood vessel is indicated by the number 117? Source: Clinical anatomy of the coronary arteries, door Van der Wal J, Rensema H, Trompert R, Herrler A, UM, http://www.anatomytool.org/content/clinical-anatomy-coronary-arteries, Licence: CC BY NC SA

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Left coronary artery (Arteria coronaria sinistra)
Circumflex branch (ramus circumflexus) of the left coronary artery (left circumflex artery, LCx)
Marginal branch (ramus marginalis) of the left coronary artery (obtuse marginal artery, OM)
Anterior interventricular branch (ramus interventricularis anterior) of the left coronary artery (left anterior descending artery, LAD)
Score 0 of 10


Coronary arteries 11


Which coronary artery supplies the AV-node in the majority of people?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Left coronary artery
Right coronary artery
Score 0 of 10


Coronary arteries angiograms 3 ENG


Which coronary artery supplies the AV-node in the majority of people?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Left coronary artery
Right coronary artery
Score 0 of 10


Coronary arteries 10


Which coronary artery supplies the AV-node in the majority of people?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Left coronary artery
Right coronary artery
Score 0 of 10


Heart characteristics 8 ENG


Which coronary artery supplies the AV-node in the majority of people?

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Left coronary artery
Right coronary artery
Score 0 of 10


Heart characteristics 7 ENG


The photo shows an opened right atrium of a human heart. A probe has been inserted into a cavity. What is this opening called?  

AnswersYour AnswerCorrect
Coronary sinus
Ostium of coronary artery
Ostium of coronary sinus
Conus arteriosus / infundibulum